Fortnite Grills Map And Guide: Where To Destroy Grills Map With Low 'N Slow Tool-March 2024
All 14 challenges from Fortnite: Battle Royale's 14 Days of Summer event are now available, which means time is quickly running out to complete them and unlock their special summer-themed rewards. The final challenge to be introduced as part of the event is another potentially tricky one: destroy seven grills with the Low 'n Slow harvesting tool, which is unlocked by completing a previous challenge that asks you to launch fireworks along the river (we show you where those can be found in our fireworks locations video guide).
Like many of the other 14 Days of Summer challenges, this mission seems straightforward on the face of it, but you may have some difficulty completing it if you don't know where the grills are located. Fortunately, there are plenty around the map, so you should be able to complete the challenge fairly quickly once you know where to look. If you need some help finding them, we've put together this map and guide to show you where the grills are located. Here's how to complete the challenge.
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Now Playing: Fortnite Locations: Destroy Grills With Low n' Slow Harvesting Tool Guide | 14 Days Of Summer Challenge
Where Are All The Grill Locations?
As previously mentioned, you need to destroy a total of seven grills in order to complete this challenge. You don't need to vandalize all of them within a single match, although you'll likely be able to destroy a few per round, as many are located fairly close together on the map. We've found at least 17 different grills scattered around the island, so there are plenty of options to choose from. The most are located within Paradise Palms and the surrounding desert, but you'll likely run into a ton of other players looking to complete the same challenge there, so we'd recommend heading to the grills in Snobby Shores instead.
Another thing to keep in mind as you attempt this challenge is that you can revisit the same grills in different matches and they'll still count toward your progression when destroyed, which should make it much easier to complete to complete the mission. We've marked the locations of all the grills we found around the island on the map below.
How To Destroy Grills
Before you can attempt this challenge, you'll need to have unlocked the Low 'n Slow harvesting tool, which you'll receive after completing the challenge to launch three fireworks found along the river bank. Once you've unlocked the tool, be sure to equip it before jumping into a match. Then, completing the challenge will simply be a matter of locating grills and smacking them until they're destroyed. You can watch us complete the challenge in the video at the top of this guide.
Grills Challenge Reward
Once you've destroyed all seven grills, you'll unlock the Griller banner for your troubles, which you can then use as a profile icon. More importantly, if you've been keeping up with all the 14 Days of Summer challenges to date, then you'll be able to unlock a special reward: the Smoothie back bling. If you have outstanding challenges to complete, however, you still have time to do so; while there will be no more new daily challenges, the 14 Days of Summer event will run until July 16, giving you a few more days to wrap up any tasks you might not have completed yet. You can see the full list of challenges, along with links to our guides on the trickier ones, below.
14 Days of Summer Challenges
Dance at different Beach PartiesBounce a giant beach ball in different matchesEliminations with the daily unvaulted weapon or the Drum GunThank the Bus Driver and finish top 20 in different matchesPop party balloon decorationsSearch Unicorn Floaties at swimming holesHit a player with a Water Balloon in different matchesBounce off of a giant beach umbrella in different matchesScore trick points with a Driftboard with the Neon Tropics applied to itLaunch fireworks found along the river bankGet a score of 10 or more on a Carnival Clown BoardVisit a giant beach umbrella and a huge rubber ducky in a single matchSearch the tiny rubber ducky at the spot hidden in the Summertime Splashdown loading screenDestroy grills with the Low 'n Slow harvesting tool