This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.
Every once and while you have a weird idea and you just have to go with it.
Check out the APM League, created by Golden and sponsored by @Clarity_Gaming It's the silliest thing ever.
— Mike (@CavLikesSC2) December 24, 2013
Korean progamer turned professional streamer Jo 'Golden' Myeong announced today that he would be casting a $100, eight person invitational for APM League on December 28th. Jo freely admits in the announcement that the cast will feature "terrible English," and that he's considering including Bronze level players. In the same thread as the announcement Axiom Protoss Choi 'CranK' Jae Won asks if he can co-cast.
Those looking to participate should email [email protected]. The email should include the following:
Real name :Age:Country :Nick name and Character Code Email:League and Ranking :Will you abide by the rules?Will you participate on December 28th, at 3PM PDT? Photo Credit: Quantic Gaming