Epic Games had announced that Paragon PS4 testing would begin shortly and they kept their promise. A few hours ago, it became official: the first Paragon PS4 test will happen on Saturday (February 13) and it will even feature CrossPlay with the PC version of the game.
Online Test 7 is coming this Saturday, Feb. 13th and will feature our first crossplay experience between PC and PS4 players. Please make sure to link your PSN account with your Epic ID here by Thursday Feb. 11th at Midnight EST.
We’ll have more information later this week that will include instructions and a PS4 redemption key if you’ve requested one. We’re looking forward to your feedback about your PS4 experience!
Official Play Times:
February 13th
US East Coast: Sat 11am - Sat 7pm EST
US West Coast: Sat 8am - Sat 4pm PST
London: Sat 4pm - Sun 12am GMT
Berlin: Sat 5pm - Sun 1am CET
Paris: Sat 5pm - Sun 1am CET
Moscow: Sat 7pm - Sun 3am MSK
Of course, even if you are invited in this Paragon PS4 test, you should remember that there is an active NDA still in full force - that means no writing about it, no snapshots or videos.
Paragon is scheduled to be available in the paid Early Access mode this Spring, with an Open Beta due for this Summer. We recently had the opportunity to interview Creative Director Steve Superville about the game, so check it out if you haven't already; he also explained why there won't be a major difference between controller and keyboard+mouse in this game.