Techland has released the third Community Update for Dying Light 2. This is a series of patches featuring the quality-of-life improvements most commonly asked by the community.
This particular update is focused on weapons. For example, the weapon repair functionality has been added to the game, allowing players to repair the weapons they'd like to keep by visiting the local Craftmaster NPC and using a few crafting resources as well as some old-world money. The repair cost will vary depending on the missing durability.
On the other hand, Techland increased the high-risk, high-reward mechanics of the Korek charm, which will now provide a damage buff when the wielded weapon is at 15% or less durability.
Another new feature is that sometimes, enemies will drop the actual weapons they've been using. On average, these won't be very powerful items, but that may change depending on the enemy.
An entirely new weapon rarity has been added to Dying Light 2, too. Exotic weapons are identifiable by their crimson red color and come with unique, powerful affixes in addition to improved stats. Players can find them via Pilgrim's Outpost or Daily/Weekly bounty loot boxes, via Legend Levels progression, or via Replayable GRE Anomalies (another feature added with this update).
Gear and mods can now be dismantled to regain some resources. But there are other noteworthy additions, such as new enemy variants, brand-new finisher moves, transmogrification improvements, rain/storm weather effect improvements, new stash sorting options, the addition of text chat on PC, three different Bloom settings, and a Field of View (FOV) slider for the Xbox Series S version.
Dying Light 2 is currently 50% off as part of the All Hallow's Eve event, where players can hunt Pumpkintiles, Banshee Witches, and other new unworldly nightmares. Baka the Unfortunate returns to lead them through the spooky challenges. Completing the Community Goal will provide players with the Nightmare Claw Blueprint.
Techland had previously promised to add firearms, new co-op missions, and a Tower raid. These are likely coming in the Winter update. The second premium story expansion will launch at some point in 2024.