Currently in Electronics Boutique stores nationwide, Crazy Taxi is being shown on a promotional tape for the Dreamcast. The video segment of the game, which runs for about two minutes, has a Dreamcast logo watermarking the video footage the entire time. But it isn't Dreamcast footage.
GameSpot News contacted Sega of America on Tuesday about the footage and according to a spokesperson for the company, not only is the footage from the arcade, but the title hasn't even been announced yet for the Dreamcast. We then asked that since Crazy Taxi is being shown on the tape, we can assume that the game will be coming to the Dreamcast? The spokesperson jokingly replied, "You can assume all you want."
For the time being we'll assume that it is indeed coming to Dreamcast, because if it isn't, the promo tape could be construed as false advertising.
Also interesting to note is that video footage on the promo tape said to be Street Fighter Alpha 3 for the Dreamcast is actuality footage of Street Fighter Alpha 1 on the Saturn.