Dragon Quest Builders, surprise spin-off of the beloved JRPG series Dragon Quest, is getting a sequel. Aptly named Dragon Quest Builders 2, this iteration will forego the Vita and find its home on PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
The title was revealed during the Dragon Quest Summer Festival 2017. You can catch the game's full reveal starting at the 41 minute mark to the hour and 13 minute mark.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 seems to make improvements to the former title's gameplay limitations. Blocks can be built three times higher and lower, the player will be able to swim and collect resources underwater, and getting down from high places is as easy as gliding down from them. Gamestalk reports that this version of the game will also support multiplayer for up to four players.
Story details and launch dates for Japan and internationally have not yet been released. But, we are excited for the return of this adorable version of Alefgard--and those dopey slimes, of course. For more on the original title, make sure to check out our review. Stay tuned for everything Dragon Quest Builders 2.