Crunchyroll and Toei Animation have unveiled the global theatrical release dates for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, with the anime coming August 19 to the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Ireland. A full list of release dates--so far--are at the bottom of this post, though note that the release sharing this information also indicates additional global release dates for the film will be announced "soon."
A synopsis is as follows: "The Red Ribbon Army was once destroyed by Son Goku. Individuals, who carry on its spirit, have created the ultimate Androids, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. These two Androids call themselves 'Super Heroes.' They start attacking Piccolo and Gohan… What is the New Red Ribbon Army's objective? In the face of approaching danger, it is time to awaken, Super Hero!" Check out the film's official dubbed English trailer below (if English subs is your style, Crunchyroll has your back).
Starting later this summer, the film will be coming to theaters across the globe in all continents, including North America, Latin America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia (excluding Japan, which already debuted the film June 11). The film will be released in Japanese with subtitles and dubbed. The newest film in the popular anime franchise was originally set for release earlier this year.
Here are Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero's international release dates:
August 18 in Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Central America, Ecuador, Bolivia, Uruguay, ParaguayAugust 19 in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Zambia, VietnamAugust 26 in India, IndonesiaAugust 30 in Malaysia, BruneiAugust 31 in the PhilippinesSeptember 1 in SingaporeSeptember 8 in TaiwanSeptember 15 in South KoreaSeptember 29 in Thailand, Hong Kong, MacaoAdditionally, Crunchyroll has revealed the English dub cast, which includes Son Gohan (Kyle Hebert), Son Goku (Sean Schemmel), Son Goten (Robert McCollum), Piccolo (Christopher R. Sabat), Bulma (Monica Rial), Vegeta (Christopher R. Sabat), Krillin (Sonny Strait), Trunks (Eric Vale), Videl (Kara Edwards), and Pan (Jeannie Tirado).
The Dragon Ball media franchise began in 1984 in Japan when the original manga created by Akira Toriyama was serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Jump anthology. It quickly became a popular series with remarkable staying power--38 years later, Dragon Ball now spawns four TV series, 20 feature films, many videogames, and a wide array of licensed merchandise.
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