This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.
You now lose one gold per second if you haven't picked a hero after the selection timer runs out in All PickAll Pick selection time increased from 60 to 75All Pick pre-creep time reduced from 90 to 75Roshan no longer stops upgrading his hp/damage/armor at 45 minutesRoshan upgrade rate increased by 20%Roshan bounty rescaled from 105-600 to 150-400HEROES
Night vision reduced from 1400 to 800Unstable Concoction maximum shaking duration reduced from 7 to 5.5Unstable Concoction no longer continues to get stronger while it is in the airAncient Apparition
Ice Vortex spell damage amplification increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30Ice Vortex duration increased from 12 to 16Ice Vortex aura stickiness increased from 0.1 to the standard 0.5 aura valueAnti-Mage
Mana Void radius increased from 300 to 450Added AoE targeting cursor for Mana VoidAxe
Base HP regen increased from 2 to 3Berserker's Call duration increased from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 2.0/2.4/2.8/3.2Berserker's Call cooldown rescaled from 10 to 16/14/12/10Batrider
Attack animation time improved from 0.5 to 0.3Beastmaster
Call of the Wild Hawk duration reduced from 60/70/80/80 to 60Call of the Wild Boar duration reduced from 70/80/90 to 60Call of the Wild no longer destroys previous summons on castBloodseeker
Thirst Bonus Speed and damage rescaled from 7/14/21/28 to 5/15/25/35Bloodbath now gives the full hero kill benefit (instead of only half) if he is within the 325 AoE when a hero diesBrewmaster
Primal Split cooldown reduced from 180/160/140 to 140/120/100Bristleback
Base damage reduced by 4Broodmother
Can no longer leave the map boundariesSpin Web no longer provides 200 visionFree pathing is now removed when enemies have vision over youCentaur Warrunner
Stampede cooldown reduced from 120/90/60 to 90/75/60Clockwerk
Hits required to kill Power Cogs rescaled from 3 to 2/2/2/3Crystal Maiden
Base intelligence reduced by 3Dark Seer
Ion Shell cooldown reduced from 10 to 9Dazzle
Weave duration increased from 20 to 24Death Prophet
Exorcism cooldown increased from 100 to 115Silence AoE increased from 350 to 425Dragon Knight
Dragon Tail cooldown rescaled from 9 to 12/11/10/9Drow Ranger
Reworked SilenceOld:
Silences all enemy units in a target area.
Range: 900
Radius 300
Duration: 3/4/5/6
CD: 13
Manacost: 90
Releases a wave that silences and does a minor non-interrupting knockback.
AoE: 250
Distance: 900
Silence Duration: 3/4/5/6
Knockback Distance: inversely proportional to travel range, 350 at closest, 0 at 900
Knockback Duration: 0.2
CD: 13
Manacost: 90
Earth Spirit
Stone Remnant recharge timer increased from 25 to 35Geomagnetic Grip now does a 2/3/4/5 second silence instead of a 1/1.5/2/2.5 second stunGeomagnetic Grip damage rescaled from 125 to 100/150/200/250Boulder Smash damage rescaled from 100/150/200/250 to 125Boulder Smash now does a 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 second stun instead of a 3.5/4/4.5/5 second silenceBoulder Smash radius from 225 to 200Rolling Boulder now also gets interrupted if disabled during the initial 0.6 rolling charge, instead of only while its movingGeomagnetic Grip now kills trees along the path of a dragged allied heroTargeting someone directly with Boulder Smash will now be blocked by Linken's SphereFixed being able to cast Geomagnetic Grip on magic immune alliesFixed Boulder Smash being able to target Magic Immune unitsFixed Rolling Boulder travel distance going further than intended if you use a Stone Remnant near the end of the rollEarthshaker
Base movement speed increased from 300 to 310Strength gain increased from 2.5 to 2.9Enchantress
Base armor reduced by 1Enigma
Black Hole AoE increased from 375 to 400Black Hole cast range increased from 250 to 275Faceless Void
Chronosphere cooldown reduced from 120/110/100 to 120/100/80You now have 1000 movement speed and phase while you are in ChronosphereTimewalk manacost reduced from 120 to 90Huskar
Burning Spear duration increased from 7 to 8Inner Vitality bonus heal below 40% increased from 15/30/45/60% of primary attribute to 30/45/60/75%Inner Vitality cast range increased from 450 to 550Invoker
Forge Spirits armor reduced from 2/3/4/5/6/7/8 to 0/1/2/3/4/5/6Forge Spirits attack range reduced from 300->900 to 300->690EMP burn increased from 100->400 to 100->550EMP delay from 3.7->2 to 2.6Alacrity manacost reduced from 75 to 45Ghost Walk movement speed from -30/-25/-20/-15/-10/-5/0 to -30/-20/-10/0/10/20/30Jakiro
Ice Path damage rescaled from 25/50/75/100 to 50Liquid Fire DPS increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30Dual Breath burn and slow duration increased from 4 to 5 secondsDual Breath DPS increased from 5/10/15/20 to 16/36/56/76Dual Breath damage interval improved from every 1 second to every 0.5 secondsDual Breath Attack Speed slow increased from -20 to -30Removed initial impact damage from Dual BreathJuggernaut
Blade Fury cooldown reduced from 30/28/26/24 to 30/27/24/21Keeper of the Light
Mana Leak stun duration increased from 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 to 1.5/2/2.5/3Legion Commander
Moment of Courage now only procs one extra lifesteal attackMoment of Courage buff grace period increased from 0.5 to 1.0 secondsMoment of Courage cooldown reduced from 1.2 to 0.9Leshrac
Lightning Storm jumps from 4/6/7/8 to 4/5/6/7Lightning Storm damage from 80/145/205/265 to 80/140/200/260Lightning Storm cooldown reduced from 5.5 to 4Lightning Storm manacost reduced from 100/115/130/145 to 90/100/110/120Lina
Dragon Slave Initial/Final AoE increased from 275/150 to 275/200Fiery Soul duration increased from 7 to 9Fiery Soul movement speed increased from 4/5/6/7% to 5/6/7/8%Lion
Aghanim's Scepter now causes Finger of Death to hit units within a 200 AoE of the primary targetLone Druid
Spirit Bear's Entangle is no longer an Orb EffectLycan
Wolves Fade Time decreased from 3 to 1.7Level 3 Lycan Wolves now have InvisibilityLevel 4 Lycan Wolves now have a passive ability that gives them 15 HP regenMagnus
Base intelligence increased by 2Medusa
Mana Shield damage absorption increased from 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 to 1/1.5/2/2.5Meepo
Divided We Stand level requirement reduced from 4/11/18 to 3/10/17Divided We Stand now passively reduces your revive timer by 10%/20%/30%Morphling
You can now cast and attack while in WaveformNature's Prophet
Wrath of Nature manacost increased from 150/200/250 to 175/225/275Necrophos
Death Pulse now hits units in Fog of WarNight Stalker
Crippling Fear's night miss chance increased from 40 to 50%Nyx Assassin
Cast Range on Impale now matches the travel rangeOgre Magi
Unrefined Fireblast manacost changed from 400 to 60% of your current manaOmni Knight
Degen Aura stickiness increased from 1.0 to 2.0 secondsOutworld Devourer
Astral Imprisonment cast range reduced from 550 to 500Phantom Assassin
Invisible heroes now trigger BlurBlur delay reduced from 1.5 to 0.75Phoenix
Fire Spirits Attack Speed slow reduced from 150 to 80/100/120/140Fire Spirits can now be cast during Icarus DiveFire Spirits DPS reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 15/35/55/75Icarus Dive is now interrupted if you are stunned during itQueen of Pain
Sonic Wave Scepter cooldown rescaled from 100/70/40 to 40Riki
Base HP regen increased from 0.75 to 1.5Sand King
Sand Storm radius rescaled from 275/325/375/525 to 525Shadow Demon
Shadow Poison max effective stacks increased from 4 to 5Shadow Shaman
Shackles duration increased from 2.5/3.25/4/4.75 to 2.75/3.5/4.25/5Mass Serpent Wards can no longer trap RoshanSilencer
Global Silence cooldown reduced from 140 to 130Skywrath Mage
Mystic Flare damage increased from 600/900/1200 to 600/1000/1400Slardar
Bash damage increased from 40/50/60/70 to 40/60/80/100Slark
Pounce damage reduced from 70/140/210/280 to 60/120/180/240Shadow Dance cooldown reduced from 65 to 60Sniper
Take Aim range bonus increased from 80/160/240/320 to 100/200/300/400Spirit Breaker
You now gain vision over your target while you are casting NetherstrikeStorm Spirit
Base movement speed reduced from 295 to 290Sven
Base armor increased by 3Warcry cooldown reduced from 36/30/24/18 to 32/26/20/14Terrorblade
Sunder cooldown reduced from 160/110/60 to 120/80/40Sunder is no longer partially blocked by Magic ImmunityReflection cast range increased from 250 to 275Tidehunter
Kraken Shell debuff threshold reduced from 600 damage taken to 600/550/500/450Kraken Shell damage block increased from 9/18/27/36 to 10/20/30/40Timbersaw
Base strength reduced from 25 to 22Tinker
Added Aghanim's Scepter: Doubles Laser cast range and Heat-Seeking missile countTreant Protector
Overgrowth AoE increased from 625 to 675Nature's Guise cast range increased from 300 to 600Troll Warlord
Fervor max stacks rescaled from 2/3/4/5 to 4Fervor attack speed per stack rescaled from 20 to 16/22/28/34Tusk
Secondary units hit by the Snowball now take the same impact as the primary unitRemoved 50% threshold mechanic from Walrus PunchWalrus Punch base crit increased from 3x to 3.5xUndying
Soul Rip cooldown reduced from 25/20/15/10 to 24/18/12/6Vengeful Spirit
Wave of Terror armor reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6Venomancer
Base damage reduced by 5Base HP regen reduced from 0.75 to the default 0.25Visage
Base movement speed reduced by 5Grave Chill manacost rescaled from 70/80/90/100 to 100Familiars are now properly magic immuneWarlock
Upheaval max duration increased from 12 to 16Windranger
Focus Fire manacost reduced from 200/300/400 to 150Focus Fire no longer has a cast animationWitch Doctor
Maledict AoE increased from 150 to 165Voodoo Restoration initial manacost reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 20/30/40/50Paralyzing Casks can now bounce to units in Fog of WarWraith King
Reincarnation slow increased from 50 to 75%Reincarnation slow duration increased from 4 to 5Zeus
Arc Lightning cast range increased from 700 to 850ITEMS
Animal Courier
Ground Courier bounty per player reduced from 175 to 150Arcane Boots
Manacost increased by 10Battle Fury
Cleave AoE increased from 225 to 250Blink Dagger
Blink no longer has a manacostBottle
Can now be used on your allies by holding down the Control keyDiffusal Blade
Agility bonus increased from 22/26 to 25/30Drums of Endurance
Number of charges increased from 4 to 5Recipe cost increased from 800 to 875Eul's Scepter of Divinity
Cyclone cooldown reduced from 25 to 23Force Staff
Force travel speed is reducedIron Branch
Gold cost reduced from 53 to 50Mask of Madness
Lifesteal increased from 17% to 20%Mjollnir
Changed the area type that is used when Static Charge hit unitsNecronomicon
Necronomicon units bounty increased from 100/125/150 to 100/150/200Necronomicon units armor reduced from 6/8/10 to 4Necronomicon cooldown increased from 80 to 95Observer Ward
Can be targeted on allies to transfer one chargeRadiance
Attack damage bonus increased from 60 to 65Refresher Orb
Recipe cost reduced from 1875 to 1800Ring of Aquila
Agility bonus increased from 6 to 9Rod of Atos
HP bonus increased from 325 to 350Sange and Yasha
Sange and Yasha slow duration increased from 4 to 5 secondsSange and Yasha slow increased from 30 to 32%Sentry Ward
Can be targeted on allies to transfer one chargeShadow Amulet
Fade delay improved from 1.8 to 1.5Can now be used on alliesShiva's Guard
Arctic Blast range increased from 719 to 900Arctic Blast speed increased from 300 to 350Smoke of Deceit
Duration decreased from 40 to 35Teleport Scrolls
Stacking delay decreased from 3/5/6/7/8 to 3/5/5.5/6/6.5Max targeting range increased from 525 to 575Tranquil Boots
Movement speed increased from 85 to 90HP Regen increased from 10 to 12Veil of Discord
Strength/Agility/Damage bonus increased from 3 to 6
The ability to fight the Beast will only be available when he is around. There will be a timer on the UI which shows the next time the Year Beast will be available to fight, the UI will also display how long the Beast will remain active for.
Whilst playing in normal Dota 2 gamemodes you will start to accumulate a new resource known as "Flamesalt Ingots", these Ingots can be redeemed for new unique in game items such as Fireworks and Lanterns which you can use to help defeat the Year Beast by either distracting, disabling or damaging him depending on the type of item you choose.
Your Flamesalt Ingots will be converted into Gold to use within the gamemode so you can purchase items. Any unspent gold will be converted back to Ingots after the match.
The abilities or final appearance of the Year Beast have yet to be confirmed, all we have at the moment is a work in progress model that is missing parts, final textures and new animations.
Year Beast ClawYear Beast ScaleYear Beast TailYear Beast Horn
Potential Loot
Handful of Flamesalt Ingots
"Unpack this gift to earn 50 Flamesalt Ingots."
Handful of Jade Tokens
"Unpack this gift to earn 50 Jade Tokens."
Pile of Flamesalt Ingots
"Unpack this gift to earn 150 Flamesalt Ingots."
Pile of Jade Tokens
"Unpack this gift to earn 150 Jade Tokens."
Recipe: New Bloom Artifact
"Collect pieces of the Year Beast to complete this recipe."
Recipe: New Bloom Rare Artifact
"Collect pieces of the Year Beast to complete this recipe."
Fortune's Favor
"Use this item to increase the rate at which you earn Flamesalt Ingots by 100% for 500 game minutes. Additionally, you will earn Jade Tokens at the same rate and you will grant other players a stacking 20% bonus to their Flamesalt Ingot and Jade Token rate."
Abundant Fortune's Favor
"Use this item to increase the rate at which you earn Flamesalt Ingots by 500% for 500 game minutes. Additionally, you will earn Jade Tokens at the same rate and you will grant other players a stacking 100% bonus to their Flamesalt Ingot and Jade Token rate."
"Available until February 20th. Use this item to increase the rate at which you earn Battle Points by 400% for 500 game minutes. Additionally, you will grant other players a stacking 80% bonus to their Battle Points rate. Battle Point Boosters are only consumed whenever Battle Points are earned and features like spectating games or coaching do not deplete them."
Potential Items You Can Craft
Blade of the New Year
Power of the Red Horse
Heavy Butterfly Blades
Locks of the New Bloom
Thunder Spirit
Potential SETS You Can Craft (You can find more images of these sets below)
Strength of the Demon Stone Set
Flames of Prosperity Set
Gifts of Fortune Set
Ember Crane Set
Foreteller's Robes Set
Aria of the Wild Wind Set
Commander of the Dragon Guard Set
Desert Gale Set
The items unboxed from here will also have the chance of getting a random Gem and Socket.
Repose of the Defiant
Cauldron of Summons
Lantern of Auspicious Days
Beast of Vermilion Wilds
Bestmaster's Boar Summon.
Dragonfish Sceptre
Banners of Battle Fortune
Flight of the Jade Phoenix
Stone Dragon Soul
The Seal of Vermilion Renewal is currently being shown as an item you can cash in Jade Tokens for however this may change as the Keys for Treasure Chests are normally sold in the Dota 2 Store.
Charming Assassin Curls
Dragon's Breath
Fortune's Coin
Curse of the New Season
New Ultimate form for Lycan.
Jade Talon
Equine Battlehelm
Living Nelum
Staff of the Enduring Colt
* Sunglasses not included.
Healing Fount of the Lost Isles
New Healing Ward for Juggernaut.
Dragon Horse Spirit Totem
Captain BambooBaekhoYonex's RageShagbarkNimble BenKupu the MetamorpherThe Llama LlamaItsyCaptain BambooMokBlotto and StickTinkbotAlphid of LecaciidaWaldi the FaithfulArnabus the Fairy RabbitDeathripperAzuremirCoco the CourageousTory the Sky GuardianThroeNew Bloom Celebration Unusual Effect
Sticking with the New Bloom theme the new unusual effect is based on a Firework effect and fuse trail.
We also have a new Prismatic Gem colour known as "Vermillion Renewal", hex color: #CA0123.
"The time has come to prepare your tributes to the Eight Shades of Fortune! Sweep away your bad luck items, your ill-fated arms or couriers earned in tragic battle, by removing them from your Armory to your Offering. Be wary: once you have chosen to remove an item from your Armory to place into your Offering, it cannot be reclaimed."
You will get a confirmation dialogue before the item is taken.
You will be unable to offer up some items such as those tagged as untradable.
The basis of this new mode is that you are basically creating a Custom Hero via a 4-Round Draft. You can choose up to 3 regular abilities and 1 ultimate.
The mode has a completely new interface implemented to help keep track of every stage and quickly see what abilities are available to pick from.
Those who get last pick for that round will get first pick on the following round.
If you fail to pick an ability before your craft timer expires you will be given a random ability from the pool.
"Grab your friends and rewrite history! Now you can take control in any replay created after the New Bloom update, then act out the rest of the match from that moment forward. During a replay, hit the Takeover button to create a lobby where everyone can choose which hero to portray. Resume the match, and become the one to turn the tide of a favorite pro play, discover a way to escape an impossible setup, or relive a cherished team fight again and again.
Takeovers are considered a new match and have separate replays, which are recorded from the moment you assume control."
The new Takeover feature will only be available on replays created after the New Bloom update.
Wraith King also has a new "Salvage Loadout" animation.
Includes custom Remnant model.
This set also has a custom loading screen.
This set also has a custom loading screen.
This set also has a custom loading screen.
This set also has a custom loading screen.
This set also has a custom loading screen.
This set also has a custom loading screen.
Loading Screen
Hitting the Leave Game button will now trigger a second dialogue requiring you to confirm that you really want to leave the game.
The Archronicus now has a table of contents page.
You can now revisit the previous scripture for old events.
Highlighting an allied Ward will now display its effective range.
Holding ALT and clicking on an ability will now issue a context-sensitive ping for that ability. This can be used to indicate whether the pinged ability is ready for use, if you do not have enough mana to use this ability, or to indicate the number of seconds remaining on that ability’s cooldown.
When upgrading an item it will now remain in the same slot, for example you have a Magic Stick in Slot 1 and upgrade to a Magic Wand, the Magic Wand will now always be in the same slot as the Stick was originally.
"CopyToClipboard" "Copy to Clipboard"
"ReplayTakeover" "Takeover"
"LobbyTakeoverDescription" "Taking Over MatchID %s1 at time %s2"
"dota_hud_error_cant_takeover_have_lobby" "Can't Takeover, you are already in a lobby"
Strings for the new ALT click notify system on abilities.
"DOTA_Ability_Ping_Ready" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3Ready"
"DOTA_Ability_Ping_Mana" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3Not Enough Mana"
"DOTA_Ability_Ping_Cooldown" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3In Cooldown ( %s4 seconds remain )"
Updates to the chat disconnection message to notify about party abandons.
"DOTA_Chat_DisconnectWaitForReconnect" "%s1 has disconnected from the game. Please wait for them to reconnect. If the disconnected member is in your party, you will receive a secondary abandon on your account if they do not reconnect."
"DOTA_Chat_Abandon" "%s1 has abandoned the game. If the abandoning member is in your party, you will receive a secondary abandon on your account."
The Archronicus now has a table of contents.
// The Archronicus - Table of Contents
"arch_toc_header" "Table of Contents"
"arch_madmoon_toc" "The Mad Moon and The Ancients"
"arch_chronicleofthesos_toc" "Chronicle of Thesos"
"arch_summoningsea_toc" "The Summoning Sea"
"arch_lasthitchallenge_toc" "The Death Bounty"
"arch_cycleofsolstice_toc" "Cycle of Solstices"
"arch_wraithnight_toc" "The Wraith-Night"
New Fantasy League scoring options.
"fantasy_scoring_levels" "Levels"
"fantasy_scoring_kills" "Kills"
"fantasy_scoring_deaths" "Deaths"
"fantasy_scoring_assists" "Assists"
"fantasy_scoring_last_hits" "Last Hits"
"fantasy_scoring_denies" "Denies"
"fantasy_scoring_gpm" "Gold per Minute"
"fantasy_scoring_xppm" "XP per Minute"
"fantasy_scoring_stuns" "Stun Duration"
"fantasy_scoring_heals" "Healing Done"
"fantasy_scoring_towers" "Towers Destroyed"
"fantasy_scoring_roshans" "Roshans Killed"
Updates to the Fantasy League roster slot options.
"fantasy_league_roster_slot_core" "Core"
"fantasy_league_roster_slot_support" "Support"
"fantasy_league_roster_slot_any" "Any"
"fantasy_league_roster_slot_none" "None"
Error message for corrupt save games.
"SaveGameCorrupt" "The request save game is corrupt and can not be used."
The Auto Draft mode has been renamed to Balanced Draft. Also the addition of Ability Draft is listed as well.
"game_mode_17" "BALANCED DRAFT"
"game_mode_18" "ABILITY DRAFT"
"game_mode_17_desc" "Each team is given 5 heroes that are automatically selected with an attempt to balance roles."
"game_mode_18_desc" "Create a unique Hero by drafting from a pool of abilities."
Strings for the new Offering system.
"Dota_Backpack_OfferingsFilter" "My Offering"
"DOTA_Backpack_LoadOfferings_Header" "Loading Offerings"
"DOTA_Backpack_LoadOfferings_Body" "Requesting a list of your offerings to the Shades of Fortune."
"DOTA_Backpack_LoadOfferingsFailed_Header" "Loading Offerings Failed"
"DOTA_Backpack_LoadOfferingsFailed_Body" "The Dota service is busy and cannot provide our offerings list right now."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingAccepted_Header" "Offering Made"
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingAccepted_Body" "Your offering has been made. The item can be viewed in the My Offerings tab of the armory."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_Header" "Offering Rejected"
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_NotFound" "The item you wish to offer could not be found in your backpack."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_InUse" "The item you wish to offer is currently in use."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_NotDeletable" "The item you wish to offer is undeletable and so cannot be given to the spirits."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_WrongQuality" "This item is of a quality far too valuable. Surely you do not wish to trade fortune for loss?"
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_WrongPrefab" "The Shades of Fortune have no interest in items of this type."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_NotAllowedToDelete" "You are not allowed to delete items, so cannot make offerings."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_FailedToLoadSDO" "The Dota service is unavailable at this time."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_WrongRarity" "This item is of a rarity far too valuable. Offering it would be folly."
"DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_NoTrade" "This item is cursed with untradability. Even the Shades of Fortune are not strong enough to release it from your grasp."
New store banner strings.
"StoreBanner_Header_Three_Virtues" "The Three Virtues Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_Three_Virtues" "Three spirits and you're out!"
"StoreBanner_Header_Lina_Ember_Crane" "Lina: Ember Crane Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_Lina_Ember_Crane" "Red is your color."
"StoreBanner_Header_LC_Commander_Dragon_Guard" "Legion Commander: Commander of the Dragon Guard Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_LC_Commander_Dragon_Guard" "Command Respect."
"StoreBanner_Header_WR_Aria_Wild_Wind" "Windranger: Aria Wild Wind Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_WR_Aria_Wild_Wind" "A wild wind blows."
"StoreBanner_Header_Chen_Desert_Gale" "Chen: Desert Gale Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_Chen_Desert_Gale" "Breath a little life into death."
"StoreBanner_Header_DP_Foretellers_Robes" "Death Prophet: Foreteller's Robes Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_DP_Foretellers_Robes" "A fate foretold."
"StoreBanner_Header_Earth_Spirit_Demon_Stone" "Earth Spirit: Strength of the Demon Stone Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_Earth_Spirit_Demon_Stone" "Strong as stone, quick as a demon."
"StoreBanner_Header_Storm_Spirit_Gifts_Fortune" "Storm Spirit: Gifts of Fortune Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_Storm_Spirit_Gifts_Fortune" "Fortune favors the blue."
"StoreBanner_Header_Ember_Spirit_Gifts_Prosperity" "Ember Spirit: Flames of Prosperity Set"
"StoreBanner_Text_Ember_Spirit_Gifts_Prosperity" "In war, none prosper like the flames."
//"StoreBanner_Header_Fortunes_Favor" "Fortune's Favor"
//"StoreBanner_Text_Fortunes_Favor" "150% drop rate on Ingots, unlocks Jade token drops."
"StoreBanner_Header_Vermilion_Renewal_Seal" "Seal of Vermilion Renewal"
"StoreBanner_Text_Vermilion_Renewal_Seal" "Unseal the gifts of the New Bloom Festival"
"StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Spirit_Stones" "HUD: Imbued Stone"
"StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Spirit_Stones" "Leave No Stone Unturned."
"StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Temple_Wall" "HUD: Temple"
"StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Temple_Wall" "That's a wrap (in red ribbon)."
Two new status messages for the Rich Presence system.
"nian_game_mode_status" "Battling the Year Beast"
"custom_game_mode_status" "Playing Custom Game"
New Unusual effect and Unusual color.
"Attrib_Particle185" "New Bloom Celebration"
"UnusualVermilionRenewal" "Vermillion Renewal"
Some new animation mod gems for the animations seen above.
"DOTA_Anim_Mod_when_nature_attacks" "When Nature Attacks"
"DOTA_Anim_Mod_Salvaged_Sword" "Salvaged Sword"
"DOTA_Anim_Mod_Good_Fortune" "Good Fortune Remnants"
"DOTA_Anim_Mod_Prosperity" "Prosperity Remnants"
Two alternative styles for the Eastern Invoker set.
"DOTA_Item_Hairstyle_of_the_Eastern_Range_Style0" "Ponytail"
"DOTA_Item_Hairstyle_of_the_Eastern_Range_Style1" "No Ponytail"
"DOTA_Item_Cape_of_the_Eastern_Range_Style0" "White"
"DOTA_Item_Cape_of_the_Eastern_Range_Style1" "Red"
The Demon Stone Mane has two styles.
"DOTA_Item_Mane_of_the_Demon_Stone_Style0" "Mane of the Demon Stone"
"DOTA_Item_Mane_of_the_Demon_Stone_Style1" "Conical Hat of the Demon Stone"
A new voice actor for Dota 2, David Sobolov, has been credited for Terrorblade's voice work.
"DOTA_ActorCredits_21_Name" "David Sobolov"
"DOTA_ActorCredits_21_Role" "Terrorblade"
Strings for the new crafting dialogue.
"dota_create_dialog_0" "What have we here?"
"dota_create_dialog_1" "What’ve you got for me?"
"dota_create_dialog_2" "Let’s have a look."
"dota_create_dialog_3" "Need something opened?"
"dota_create_dialog_4" "I’ll get my tools."
"dota_create_dialog_5" "The one’s tricky..."
"dota_create_dialog_6" "It’ll be just a moment."
"dota_create_dialog_7" "Ah! I see how it works."
"dota_create_dialog_8" "Almost got it."
"dota_create_dialog_9" "Hang on a sec."
"dota_create_dialog_10" "It’s about to give!"
"dota_create_dialog_11" "There it goes!"
"dota_create_dialog_12" "Would you look at that!"
"dota_create_dialog_13" "Isn’t that something!"
"dota_create_dialog_14" "Got it!"
"dota_create_dialog_15" "And open!"
"dota_create_dialog_16" "Very nice!"
"dota_create_dialog_17" "Ha! That was easy."
"dota_create_dialog_18" "Enjoy!"
Match CalendarSale NotifierDota 2 StoreDota 2 UpdatesDota 2 EventsWorkshop VotingAnd MoreSome initial panel mockups already in the files:
We also now have the ability to test custom Compendiums from within the game client.
New Bloom Gift Small
New Bloom Gift Golden
Harmonious Battle Booster
Alternative hair style.
This set also includes a custom loading screen.