This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.
To commemorate the impending release of our much-anticipated Dota 2 documentary, special items are now available in the Dota store. These items were forged in creative partnership with several pro players and include:
The “Forge of the Iron Will” set for Sven, created in partnership with Fear.The “Crown of Hell” set for Doom, created in partnership with Hyhy.The “Murder of Crows” set for Pudge, created in partnership with Dendi.Each hero set is available individually, or as part of “The Free to Play Collector’s Pack” which includes all three item sets in addition to the following bundle exclusives:
The “Wide Angle” WardThe “Filmtail” CourierThe “Depth of Field” HUD skinThe hero sets will include custom loading screens, custom particles and custom animations. Each item will be available in Genuine quality for a limited time, so purchase and add these items to your Dota armory soon. A portion of each purchase will go toward the players featured in the documentary.
Visit the Free to Play Website to watch the trailer and learn more about the film.
For a limited time purchasing the pack now will provide items in the Genuine quality.
Seven New Animations - Hook Preview Below
SpawnHookIdlePortraitIdle_StompLoadout_StompVictoryTeleportIncludes custom loading screen
Five New Animations - Attack Preview Below
Attack01Attack02Attack03LoadoutIdle AltIncludes custom loading screen
Two New Animations
LoadoutIdle AltIncludes custom loading screen
Fragment of Radiant Ore
Includes custom loading screen
Shard of Direstone
Includes custom loading screen
Includes Dead Watch Ward
Includes Tombstone HUD Skin
The full item sets can be previewed as well by clicking on their icon.
"DOTA_PlayerName_Dendi" "Danil 'Dendi' Ishutin"
"DOTA_PlayerName_Fear" "Clinton 'Fear' Loomis"
"DOTA_PlayerName_HyHy" "Benedict 'HyHy' Lim"
Updated strings for the new chest examine UI.
"examine_chest_unusual_courier" "Unusual Courier"
"examine_chest_unusual_courier_desc" "A random courier with random color and special effect gems."
"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Multi" "This treasure contains one of each these items:"
"Econ_Guaranteed_Crate_Drop" "Opening this treasure will reward you with:"
"Econ_Additional_Crate_Drop" "In addition, this treasure has a chance of containing:"
"DOTA_UnusualCourier_Desc" "Unusual Courier"
The new chest examine UI will also show if you already have a key required by that chest as well as a buy and open option.
"Crate_Open_Have_Key" "You Own 1"
"Crate_Open_Buy_Key" "Buy and Open"
"Crate_Open_Now" "Open Now"
New Store Banner strings.
"StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfRadiantArms" "Treasure of Radiant Arms"
"StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfRadiantArms" "Unseal a different set each time and collect them all"
"StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfDireArms" "Treasure of Dire Arms"
"StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfDireArms" "Unseal a different set each time and collect them all"
"StoreBanner_Header_MurderOfCrows" "Pudge: Murder of Crows"
"StoreBanner_Text_MurderOfCrows" "Shoulda' kept your beak out of this"
"StoreBanner_Header_ForgeOfIronWill" "Sven: Forge of Iron Will"
"StoreBanner_Text_ForgeOfIronWill" "An iron mask for an iron will"
"StoreBanner_Header_CrownOfHells" "Doom: Crown of Hells"
"StoreBanner_Text_CrownOfHells" "Upon my crown, I'll gore thee"
"StoreBanner_Header_FreeToPlayPack" "Free to Play Collector's Pack"
"StoreBanner_Text_FreeToPlayPack" "The Director's Cut"
The play tab shopkeeper's quiz has been updated to read from the strings.
"Playtab_Quiz_Title" "The Shopkeeper's Quiz"
"Playtab_Quiz_Subtitle" "Test your Dota 2 item knowledge!"
The Kinetic Gem "Dance of Dendi" was renamed to the current "Crow's Feet".
- "DOTA_Anim_Mod_ftp_dendi" "Dance of Dendi"
"DOTA_Anim_Mod_ftp_dendi_back" "Crow's Feet"
New alternative item style strings.
"DOTA_Item_Incantations_Weapon_Style0" "Head Opener of Incantations"
"DOTA_Item_Incantations_Weapon_Style1" "Pillar of Incantations"
"DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Head_Style0" "Helm of the Fallen Princess"
"DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Head_Style1" "Hair of the Fallen Princess"
"DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Head_Style2" "Crown of the Fallen Princess"
"DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Shoulders_Style0" "Warrior Wings of the Fallen Princess"
"DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Shoulders_Style1" "Feathered Wings of the Fallen Princess"
"DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Shoulders_Style2" "Feathered Wings of the Fallen Princess"
Dreamer's Gem
This Inscribed Gem currently tracks victories on the item you socket it into.
Battle Point Booster
This Battle Booster will last for 6 days and will provide a 125% boost to your battle point rate and other players a 25% boost.