A new Dishonored expansion will launch next month. Bethesda today announced Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall, a new story-focused expansion due April 16 on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC for $10.
In The Knife of Dunwall, players take on the role of Daud, a legendary assassin who killed the Empress. Players will have access to his weapons, gadgets, allies, and supernatural abilities.
"After assassinating the Empress, and forever changing the fate of Dunwall, you embark on a search for redemption. The Outsider reveals the key to your atonement, but who--or what--is Delilah?" reads a line from the content's description.
Players will be accompanied on their trip through never-before-seen parts of Dunwall by the Whalers, a band of mercenary assassins, as they take on "new and terrible" enemies.
The Knife of Dunwall will not be the last Dishonored expansion. Bethesda announced last year that an additional story-focused add-on is also in the works. Bethesda revealed today this content is called The Brigmore Witches, which will conclude Daud's story when it's released sometime in the future.
Dishonored launched in October and was the United States' fourth-best-selling game of the month. It was also the only non-sequel to make the top-10 chart during the month. The game's first expansion--Dunwall City Trials--launched in December.
For more on Dishonored, check out GameSpot's review.
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