Nippon Ichi Software debuted a new English trailer for the upcoming Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny, which focuses on a new protagonist: the zombie Zed.
Disgaea 6 follows a world in which the God of Destruction, the strongest ever known, has already been defeated by Zed. After the Darkest Assembly is thrown into chaos, zombie boy Zed has to step in and let everyone know he's already taken care of the weakling God of Destruction, much to the disbelief of the Assembly.
This, as the trailer indicates, begins Zed's journey "through Super Reincarnation after Super Reincarnation." Super Reincarnation lets individuals live out their lives over and over again until they carry out a mission they have in mind. Zed recalls a tale of his own cycle of Super Reincarnations, which the trailer appears to indicate he's been through several, including some very cute, magical girl-like versions.
Disgaea 6 is a Switch exclusive for US buyers, though it's getting a PlayStation 4 release in Japan. Here's the official rundown, by way of Nippon Ichi Software:
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny unites a grim yet touching story with insane tactical combat, while introducing gameplay elements never before seen in previous installments. As a result, new and returning players alike can craft a truly memorable and unique journey through the Netherworld. Bring the pain in battle with special attacks and support from a plethora of ally units. Customizable settings such as Auto, Retry, and Replay allow both hardcore and casual players to fight their own way. And should things take a terrible turn, use Super Reincarnation to rejoin the fight and keep trying until you succeed. This truly is a Netherworld fit for everyone!
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny will launch in Summer 2021 for western players.