The remake of Destroy All Humans is due to release for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on July 26, and ahead of its launch publisher THQ Nordic has released a new trailer showing off one of the game's locations. The level in question is Santa Modesta, which is the game's third level, if it follows the exact same structure as the 2005 original.
The trailer shows protagonist Crypto running through town, attacking humans with various alien rays, blowing up cars, and piloting a spacecraft to exact further havoc on the townsfolk.
The game's environmental destruction is also showcased, as you'll see entire buildings exploding in the trailer below. It certainly looks more technically impressive than the original game.
You can check out the remake ahead of release through a demo on GOG. The $400 special edition, including a 23-inch statue of Crypto, is still available to pre-order.
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