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Destiny 2.0 Is Live Now And Brings Sweeping Changes
Destiny 2.0 Is Live Now And Brings Sweeping Changes-February 2024
Feb 22, 2025 1:23 PM

  Destiny 2.0 is live. The latest update for Bungie's online cooperative/competitive FPS officially ushers players into Destiny's Year Two, with an incredibly long text detailing patch notes that you can find below; this update paves the road for the arrival of The Taken King expansion later this month.


Player Character

Character Level Cap raised to 34 for all playersYour Character Level will be grandfathered into your highest possible Light Level from all gear in your inventory and vaultCharacter Level Cap will be increased to 40 on 9/15 (requires The Taken King)Character Level and LightarenowseparatestatsLight is now calculated by the average of the Attack and Defense scores of all your gearWeapons, Ghosts, Class Items, and Artifacts now all contribute to LightGrimoire Score has been moved from the Character Nameplate and now displays in the Character ScreenAttack Power values on weapons and gearhavebeenrenormalized in preparation for the Taken KingYear 1 Attack and Defense values caps have been renormalized for Year 2 (previously 365 Attack is now 170 Attack)All Defense values are now on the same scale as AttackWeapon damage numbers and combatants have been scaled against renormalized Attack and Defense valuesOutgoing and Incoming damage has been changed to reflect new Light systemAbility Damage is directly computed from your Light ScorePlayer Health is directly computed from your Light ScoreWeapon Damage is heavily weighted by both your Light score and the Attack value of the weapon



Intellect, Strength, and Discipline now only change their effect in fixed tiersIntellect, Strength, and Discipline stats now display their tier and the exact duration of the effect on the tooltip in the Character ScreenOrb generation is now capped to a maximum of 8 orbs at once when wearing exotic armor items that increase orb spawning ratesIncreased Recovery stat time at low end by 1 second and Reduced high end reduced timer by 2 seconds. These were re-normalized Recovery stat effects to make a more compelling character stats choicePulse Grenades secondary effect distance are now globally 8 meters (Thermal and Void: 7 -> 8 meters, Arc: 9 -> 8 meters). Detonation distance still unchanged at 7 metersPulse Grenade fuse times have been reducedThermal Pulse (Incendiary Grenade) base detonation and damage have been increased to unify stats with other Pulse GrenadesFixed an issue where perks that grant additional super energy for grenade kills did not work correctly in the Crucible



  Line attacks (Fist of Havoc Shockwave and Arc Blade Razor’s Edge) can now no longer penetrate Ward of Dawn



  Golden Gun Damage increased (350 -> 360) to ensure it consistently killed opponents in the CrucibleBladedancer

  Arc Blade can now generate up to 6 Orbs when geared with exotic armor that increase orb spawning ratesBlink movement ability activation delay increased by 0.07 seconds (0.26 seconds to 0.33 seconds)Blink movement ability visuals now changed to better telegraphing direction: clearer activation FX and trail FXBlink Strike now does Arc DamageArc Bolt grenades (Thermal and Arc) damage reduced by 25% to 75 damageArc Bolt Range reduced by 11% to 8 metersFlux Grenade tracking shape volume has been changed to reduce tracking aggressiveness



  Armor Bonus perk "Strength of the Ram" (found on exotic helmet, The Ram) has been reduced (5->3)Sunsinger

  Fixed an issue where Sunsingers who self-resurrected from Fireborn were given a free orb upon respawnFireborn Sunsingers must now successfully kill to spawn orbs


Read our detailed review of weapon change philosophies.


Auto Rifles

Base Damage increased across all archetypesDamage Falloff now starts closer to the player to emphasize its role as a close range weaponBase Stability reduced slightly. Landing consistent precision shots require more weapon controlDamage done against AI combatants increased by 30%

Pulse Rifles

All Stable (low recoil) Pulse Rifles (i.e., Hopscotch Pilgrim) now use "Medium" Rate-of-Fire base stats"Medium" Pulse Rifle's Rate-of-Fire has slightly increased, but with base Damage reduced slightly (2.5%)PVP: Bursts-to-kill (all precision hits) is 2 or 3, depending on victim’s Armor statMagazine Size increased on all base statsBase Stability reduced slightly. Landing consistent precision shots require more weapon controlDamage done against AI combatants increased by 25%

Scout Rifles

Base Damage increased slightly for "Medium" to "High" Rate-of-Fire Scout Rifles. Small adjustment, does not change shots-per-kill in PVP against another Guardian with full healthMagazine Size increased on all base statsAccuracy when firing from hip is reducedDamage done against AI combatants increased by 5%

Hand Cannons

Damage Falloff distance has been reduced to be closer to the player to limit long range lethalityAccuracy while in Aim-Down-Sights reduced slightly, making long range snap-shooting less reliableAccuracy when firing from hip is reducedMagazine Size reduced on all base stat settingsBase Optics (zoom) reduced so Aiming Down Sights grants more width (in favor for depth)


Shotgun precision damage scalar grants 10% bonus damage (Was 25%)Shot Package perk reduces the cone spread by 20% (was 50%)Rangefinder perk adds a 10% base Range increase on zoom (was 20)Damage done against AI combatants reduced by 45% ( 2.25-> 1.15)

Sniper Rifles

Final Round perk now buffs precision damage, not base damage. This change only affects this perk when combined with Sniper Rifles

Fusion Rifles

Fusion Rifles now no longer get more accurate with each projectile firedFusion Rifles that are slow charging, high impact now have a slightly lower base Range value, making it harder to max outrange for these weaponsAccuracy increased for low range Fusion Rifles; Accuracy reduced for high range Fusion RiflesMax Fusion Rifle projectile speed decreased slightlyDamage done against AI combatants increased by 15%


Base Reload Speed increasedAmmo Stats for Sidearms have been reduced to match other Secondaries, but still retain starting bonus ammo

Rocket Launchers

Blast Radius distance slightly increasedGrenades and Horseshoes perk proximity detonation distance reduced to 1.3 meter (was 2 meters)

Machine Guns

Fixed an issue with all Dead Orbit Machine Guns where attached plasteel plate failed to animate properly on reloadsDamage done against AI combatants increased by 5%

Weapon Perks


Reduced Damage bonuses and penalties granted from weapon barrel upgradesOverpenetration perk now only works on bipeds (no longer works on environment materials)Mulligan perk chance increased to 20%

Year One Perks

We have revisted all of these Year One stat perks and reduced the amount they buff your weapon stat to re-normalize against Year Two weapon lethality and reinforce specialization so players are making meaningful trade-offs on weapons.

  To compensate for the weaker stat perks from launch weapons, we added some new stat perks (introduced in House of Wolves) that provided a significant increase to a stat in exchange for a reduction in other stats. This allows players to be able to spike a stat that reinforces their specialized play style, but at a cost.

  Accelerated Coils: Reduced charge time by 50%Accurized Ballistics: Reduced range and damage bonus by 50%Aggressive Ballistics: Reduced damage bonus by 50%. Increased stability and range penalties by 100%Aggressive Launch: Reduced damage bonus by 50%. Increased stability and projectile speed penalty by 100%Confined Launch: Increased projectile speed penalty by 25%. Reduced stability bonus by 33%CQB Ballistics: Reduced range bonus by 25%. Reduced stability bonus by 33%Enhanced Battery: Reduced magazine bonus by 60%Extended Mag: Reduced magazine bonus by 33%Field Choke: Reduced damage bonus by 50%. Reduced range bonus by 60%. Reduced stability penalty by 20%Field Scout: No longer affects magazine. Reduced inventory bonus by 37%Fitted Stock: Reduced stability bonus by 60%Flared Magwell: Reduced reload bonus by 80%Hammer Forged: Reduced range bonus by 50%Hand Loaded: Reduced range bonus by 50%Hard Launch: Reduced projectile speed bonus by 50%Heavy Payload: Reduced blast radius bonus by 50%Javelin: Reduced projectile speed bonus by 50%Linear Compensator: Reduced damage bonus by 50%Luck in the Chamber: Reduced damage bonus by 3%Perfect Balance: Reduced stability bonus by 40%Send It: Reduced by range bonus 40%. Inventory and equip penalties addedSmart Drift Control: Reduced stability bonus by 40%. Reduced range penalty by 33%Smart Drift Control (Rocket Launcher): Reduced stability bonus by 40%. Reduced projectile speed penalty by 33%Smallbore: Reduced stability and range bonuses by 25%Smooth Ballistics: Stability bonus made into penalty. Range penalty is now a bonus.Soft Ballistics : Reduced damage penalty by 50%Soft Launch: Stability bonus made into penalty. Projectile speed penalty is now a bonus.Speed Reload: Reduced reload bonus by 80% *Warhead Verniers: Reduced blast radius bonus by 37%. Reduced projectile speed bonus by 60%. Reduced stability penalty by 20%

Exotic/Legendary Weapons

Hard Light

Base Stability increased to 80Hard Light projectiles now have increased bounce countHard Light projectiles are now not affected by Damage FalloffHard Light projectile FX updated so it is easier to track the projectile ricochets

Suros Regime

Stability reducedAdded a Range boost to the Focus Fire node on the Talent Grid


Base Stability increased to 60Magazine Size increasedCursebringer perk will now always trigger on a precision killCursebringer perk explosion radius increased and deals more damageRangefinder perk has been replaced by Zen Moment

The Last Word

Range reduced by 10Base Stability reduced by 10Accuracy while in hip fire is increasedPrecision Damage aim assist while in hip fire is increasedFixed an issue where damage bonuses while in hip fire was not applying correctly


Base Damage of Thorn DoT reduced by 1/3 for both PVE and PVPThorn DOT now stacks up to 5x over multiple shotsThis is a net buff, but it is now spread over multiple shots to eliminates the PVP "2-shot walk away."Thorn DoT damage now correctly reports as poison


Luck in the Chamber and Holding Aces perks now have a stacking limit of 2. Only 2 of the bonus damage perks will ever stack, which should eliminate the Hawkmoon 1-hit PVP kill to an undamaged opponentHolding Aces perk now increases magazine by 2 rounds


Ammo Recharge time increased to 7 seconds between rounds (was 5 seconds)


Reduce damage of Wolfpack Rounds by roughly 1/3

Black Hammer

White Nail perk now fills the magazine from your ammo reserves

No Land Beyond

Fixed an issue where there were overlap/parallax issues in Sights during aim-down-sights viewBase Handling increasedThe Master perk has an increased base precision damage bonus scalar (2.6x -> 3x)

Lord of Wolves

Rally perk now grants +5 Recovery to allies in close proximity


Arc detonation chance for Lightning Rounds kill increased to 50%Magazine size increased to offset ammo stat changes

Vex Mythoclast

Projectile Speed increased to compensate for global Fusion Rifle changesStability increased to compensate for global Fusion Rifle changes

Universal Remote

Base Range increased by +20

Monte Carlo

Stability increased to compensate for global Auto Rifle ChangesFixed an issue where the Method perk did not only trigger when killing players or combatants. Can no longer trigger when "killing" destroyable objects

Bad Juju

Stability increased to compensate for global Pulse Rifle changes

Red Death

Stability increased to compensate for global Pulse Rifle changesFixed an issue where Rate of Fire and Impact stats were displayed incorrectly. Stat values were not changed, UI display only

Plan C

Range increased to compensate for global Fusion Rifle changesStability increased to compensate for global Fusion Rifle changes

Exotic Armor


Many pieces of Exotic Armor now recolor when a Shader is applied


  An Insurmountable Skullfort

  Gain a second melee charge for Storm Fist and Sun Strike. (It doesn’t apply to Void melee yet—this is a bug I believe we have fixed in 2.0.1.)Hunter

  Spine of Young Ahamkara

  Bonus to Tripmine grenade duration increasedGain a second grenade charge for Tripmine grenadeWarlocks

  Heart of Praxic Fire

  Gain bonus Agility when Radiance is active



Year 1 Activities have been converted into Quest systemYear One Questlines do not require ownership of The Taken KingYou can replay the story for more experience and reputation by looking at the Quest Collections in the TowerThe Ghost is now voiced by Nolan NorthFallen Wolf Hunt Patrols will retreat in anticipation of the arrival of Oryx in our solar systemFixed an issue where "Medic" and "Blast Shield" PVP medals displayed while playing PVE activities


Players now are required to participate in the boss fights to be eligible for end-of-activity loot.Bonus Loot and Reputation can now be earned via Vanguard Streak Bonuses for players who continue to recycle back into the Strike playlist without exiting to OrbitBurn (Arc, Void, Solar) Skulls now only increases player damage by 2x (down from 3x). Combatant damage to player is unchanged at 3x.Fixed an issue where the incident for completing a strike (i.e., earning the "Strikes Introduction" grimoire card) was not triggering in Strike playlists

Prison of Elders

Fixed an issue where the “Servitor Bonds Weakened” buff did not clear when Skolas is pushed into phase 2Fixed an issue where the web mine FX extended beyond effect areaFixed an issue where the rewards for Skolas’s Revenge does not grant "Hildian Seeker" to players who already have Ceres GalliotGlimmer Consumable drop rates reduced drastically from the Arena chestRemoved the Elder Cipher exotic bountyThese exotics now have a chance to drop from the large chest in the Queen’s ArenaPlayers who were on any step of the elder cipher should receive a token to redeem at Variks for their choice of House of Wolves exotic weapon

King's Fall

King's Fall Raid will unlock on 09/18/15, 10AM Pacific



Quest Screen addedtoMenuThe Quest Screen allows you to view all active QuestsQuests may be abandoned, but they are recoverable at Abandoned Quest Archives at the TowerEach Quest has a Details Screen that describes the current and previous quest stepsUp to four Quests can now be viewed in the Director and while in Nav ModeYear One Activities have been converted into Quest systemNew Questlines have been added for each Year One SubclassReputation panel has been moved from the Inventory screen to the Quest Screen


Bounty slot size increased to 16Incomplete Year 1 Bounties are auto-abandoned on 09/08 in preparation for The Taken King launchIncomplete Year 1 Exotic Bounties are auto-completed at their respective VendorsBounties are now turned in for completion reward via the Quest ScreenBounties can now be tracked via the new Progress UI in NavModeEris Year 1 bounties will be retired. Reputation with Crota's Bane can continue to be earned via TTK Quests on 09/15



All Vendor reputation from Year One carry overCollections have been added to the TowerShaders & Emblems Collections can be found near Eva Levante in North TowerShips & Sparrow Collections can be found near Amanda Holiday in Tower HangerExotic Armor & Weapon Blueprint Collections can be found near the Class MentorsVault space has been increased to store up to 72 Weapons, 72 Armors, and 36 GeneralThe Bounty vendor, Xander-99, has a new stock of daily BountiesMap droids have been removed from North Tower, Plaza, and HangarLoot announcements now appear in the Tower, but have a maximum range of 10 meters


Starting on 09/09, reputation will be earned with Banshee-44 by using his Field Test Weapons


New Ghosts are on sale with the SpeakerYear One Emblems have been moved to Eva Levante


Faction Emblems are no longer purchasable but will come from faction packages insteadFormer Vanguard emblems are now unlocked at level 10 and 20 of their respective class quest chains

Crota’s Bane

Eris’ bounties have been retired as her ire shifts from Crota to Oryx and his DreadnaughtEris reputation can now be earned weekly by killing bosses in the Crota’s End raid, or through new methods to be discovered in The Taken King’s new destinationEris’ reputation requirements for each rank have been adjusted to be fasterCharacters will retain any rank they currently have with ErisEris’ reputation is no longer capped at Rank 4, and players will receive reward packages for Rank increasesPlayers will be able to earn rewards by continuing to level up the Crota’s Bane reputation

Queen’s Wrath

With the launch of The Taken King, Petra will have new bounties available in the Reef upon completing a new questThese bounties will also drop a Treasure Key the first time one is completed each week


Class-specific Armor materials have been deprecated in favor of a unified materialOn Sept 15th, Vanguard Quartermaster Roni-9940 will exchange old materials for new onesFixed a bug where item upgrade UI was triggering when nothing was actually earnedArmor dismantle now makes a sound when dismantling is completeYear Two Weapon Telemetries have now been combined per weapon slot instead of per weapon type


Preview Event

The Taken King maps will be available for all players to preview for free 09/08 until 09/15Rift game mode will be available for all players to preview for free 09/08 until 09/15Crucible Daily will not be available on 09/08 and will resume on 09/15Mayhem Clash game mode will be available for all players to preview for free from 09/11 until 09/15


House of Wolves maps (Widow’s Court, Black Shield, Thieves’ Den) are now available to all Destiny playersYear 1 Platform-exclusive maps (The Timekeeper, Exodus Blue) are now available to all Destiny playersAdded a new Mercy rule that will end blowout games earlyWhen the Mercy Rule hits, Shaxx will call out the end of the match. We immediately disable join in progress to prevent any additional players from joining the game (if anyone has dropped already) and reset the game clock to 10 seconds. After those 10 seconds, the match will end normally. All players will receive their end of match rewards and return to matchmaking.More detail about this system can be found hereLegendary Loot drop rates have been increasedPVP post-game scoreboards now use abbreviated namesHover over these stat headers to see more detailed information on what each stat tracksThe PGCR now does not display the "Score" column if the mode does not have individual player scoresShaxx will now comment on multi-kills and kill streaks"Victory Imminent" voice-over will no longer play when there is less than 30 seconds remaining in Crucible matches


Salvage and Rift are now core Crucible playlistsThe Taken King maps are now included in the core Crucible playlists


Added set of new Crucible medalsBuckshot Bruiser, Machine Lord, Sharpshooter, and Master Blaster medals can now be earned multiple times in a row (if you're awesome enough)Fixed an issue where "First Place Kill" score bonus (which triggers the "Uprising" medal) was awarded when killing the highest scoring player on the winning team, instead of the highest scoring player in the match


Widow’s Court

  Added invisible physics to keep players from hiding in the ivy overlooking the courtyard Heavy Ammo

Game Types


  Reduced Salvage score limit from 10000 to 7500, as our data showed too many games were ending to the time limitModified the base 3v3 options to have a 7-second min respawn timerSkirmish

  Modified the base 3v3 options to have a 7-second min respawn timerInferno

  Changed special ammo crate timing for Inferno Clash, Inferno Control and Inferno Rumble modes to 2 minutes (small team modes will remain at 3 minutes)Removed heavy ammo crates from all Inferno playlistsRumble

  Placing in the top 3 in Rumble playlists now counts as a win for Quest Step purposesControl

  Bastion, First Light, and Skyshock have been added to the core Control playlist with Pikes and Interceptors disabled"Zone Captured" and "Zone Neutralized" scoring messages in Control will now display the zone being captured, i.e. "Zone A Captured," "Zone C Neutralized"Trials of Osiris

  Trials Passage Coins are now discarded by the stack rather than by the item


Super icons in kill messages are now displayed in yellowAdded icons to kill messages for precision killsSuper kill messages now display the name of the Super usedVoice channel settings in Nav Mode have been moved into the Nav Mode toggle display, which also includes quests & bounties, active modifiers, and PvP Scoreboard



Cinematics can now be skippedShow/Hide Helmet options now also applies to the Character ScreenUnused update compat packs will be removed automatically on PS3 and 360 (to save HDD space)Fixed a crash on PS3 when cycling through too many activitiesProperly report free space required on PS3 when out of disk spaceEnabled support for game content to be loaded from USB devices on Xbox 360Improved Xbox One messaging and flow handling for users performing certain party options; the Pineapple error should only occur for actual malfunctions nowFixed an Xbox One issue with suspend/resume on certain loading screensIf there is a valid playlist, use that for rich presence instead of the activity


Reduced latency of kill notifications in CrucibleImproved damage validation systems to reduce the effectiveness of players with extreme lagImproved accuracy of network quality meters slightlyThere is still no word about a potential release of Destiny on PC. Bungie and Activision have always said that they were thinking about it and it wasn't out of the question, but now that the base game has been out for a year on consoles, it would be nice to get an update on that. The game would surely look even prettier on PC.

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