This Week At Bungie is a bit lighter than usual, but it introduced minor changes coming to Destiny 2 in the next few weeks.
In the current Season of the Splicer, Bungie created an Armor Synthesis system, a new transmog system for armor customization. Players earn a unique, passive currency called Synthstrand to purchase Armor Synthesis bounties from Ada-1 at the Tower. Since it's passively-earned, there is no way to get it other than simply defeating enemies until they collect enough to grab bounties. It can be time-consuming since not every kill guarantees a Synthstrand drop.
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In Season 15, Bungie will remove the Synthstrand from the game, and players will need to use 10,000 Glimmer in its place. As the TWAB notes, this will reduce the time players need to earn 10 Synthweave tokens per class every season. Bungie intends to simplify the Armor Synthesis system with these changes.
Also starting next season, Nightfall's weapon rotation will change. In Season 15, the rotation will have eight weapons in pairs with one older and one newer weapon. Additionally, Nightfalls next week will offer double rewards. Popular Nightfall rewards such as the Palindrome, The Swarm, and Shadow Price are all on the table.
As a reminder, the Solstice of Heroes event ends on August 3. Next week is the last week of the summer event and your last chance to earn the Solstice of Heroes armor!
In case you're wondering, Season 14 ends on August 24.