With just two weeks to go before the release of Destiny 2's new Shadowkeep expansion, Bungie has released a new update for the game. Hotfix is out now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, and while the full list of patch notes is quite short, there's some potentially very good news to be had in them.
First up is the release of previously paid DLC for more players. If you own the Forsaken expansion, you can now access all Annual Pass content. This move comes ahead of the launch of Destiny 2: New Light, a new free-to-play version of the game that will provide access to much of the Destiny 2 experience without paying a dime. But in the meantime, Forsaken owners suddenly have access to a wealth of new content, including the Black Armory Forges, Gambit Prime/Reckoning, and the Menagerie, the latter of which is paying out bonus rewards right now thanks to the recent Mars community event.
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The other change in this update concerns the aforementioned Reckoning. This PvE mode is tied to Gambit Prime, serving as the place to earn the special armor that enables role-specific perks in Gambit Prime. Bungie has previously conceded that Reckoning suffered from a variety of issues that resulted in a less-than-fun experience, and it's recently made some changes to make it a less frustrating experience.
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That continues in this patch, as all negative modifiers are now gone from Reckoning. You'll no longer find yourself facing a lack of radar, increased enemy melee damage, and so on. This stacks with the recent change to make enemies easier to deal with and to ensure rewards are doled out more fairly.
This patch comes alongside a new Bungie ViDoc that explores the studio's five-year plan for Destiny 2 and what we can expect from the upcoming year of Destiny 2 content.