Destiny 2 features a bunch of amusing emotes that you can purchase, and one of the best is a Monty Python-inspired, high-kicking walk. However, it turns out that the emote let players get into some walled-off, unfinished areas--and now, Bungie has removed it from sale.
Although the developer hasn't officially given a reason for its removal, the cause seems pretty clear. Numerous YouTube videos show players utilizing the move to clip through walls; the one below, for example, shows one player getting into the Eververse Trading Company's booth.
The emote has been available in Bright Engram drops since the game's release, but the bug didn't become apparent until the emote went on sale as an individual purchase. There's no word yet on when the exploit itself will be fixed.
In other Destiny 2 news, the game comes out very soon on PC. It launches on October 24, and today the developer released a new trailer for the version and confirmed when you'll be able to pre-load it. For more on Destiny 2's PC port, check out GameSpot's roundup of everything you need to know about Destiny 2 PC.