During your adventure in Hell-A, you will probably come across several fuseboxes that can’t be activated because they require a fuse. This precious item can’t be found while exploring the map, as it can only be bought from traders. When placed in the fusebox, it will reactivate the circuits and open a nearby door, revealing some valuable loot. In this guide, you will find all the information you need to know about fuses and fuseboxes in Dead Island 2.
Unlike keys, fuses can’t be found while wandering around the map and killing zombies. You can only get them from traders, so you need to pay them. Each fuse will cost you 1,500 dollars, which can be quite a significant amount of money when you first start playing the game and have limited resources.
However, getting a fuse in Dead Island 2 and activating fuseboxes is totally worth it because you will gain access to high-tier loot and weapons. You can carry up to three fuses at a time. Stock up on them regularly, and you will be able to use them whenever you find new boxes. You will need better and better weapons to fight zombies as you progress through the game, so you better be prepared.
Keep in mind that this crate can only be opened once, while the other loot in the room will respawn every time you visit the area. The weapon you get matches your current level, so you might want to wait until you progress further in the story before opening a Zomproof Slayer Hoard chest. This will grant you better loot, and the weapon will be of a higher rarity than the ones you can find during the first half of the game.
Be cautious, though. These rooms also hide zombies, so you’ll find yourself fighting against them before being able to get your hands on the precious loot.
If you have just started playing Dead Island 2 and need help with the game, you can check our beginner’s tips and how to beat Becki the Bride.