The forums for zombie game DayZ have reportedly been compromised. Developer Bohemia is notifying forum members that a "security incident" took place recently and hackers were able to access and download all usernames, emails, and passwords from the game's forums. This is according to NeoGAF and Reddit users who says they received an email from Bohemia informing them of the issue.
According to the notification, passwords were not stored in a plain text format, but rather "in a more secure form." Still, Bohemia said it recommends you change your password if you use the same one with other sites and services.
"We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused," Bohemia said.
In an effort to prevent a similar event in the future, the developer said it will replace DayZ's existing IPBoards login system with Bohemia's main Bohemia Account system "within the next two weeks."
"As Bohemia Account is a separate custom-built service currently used by Bohemia Interactive Forums and Store, it offers much better security and its use should prevent similar incidents going forward," it said.
"We ask for your patience over the next few days and weeks as we implement this and other security overhauls, as there are likely to be service interruptions and forum unavailability from time to time. In particular, the forums will be down until migration to the Bohemia Account is complete. We will keep you up to date on vital info and scheduled down-time on the site itself and via our Twitter."
According to DayZ's Twitter account, the game's forums suffered a breach back on January 23, though it's unclear at this time if this is the same one as reported this week. The developer also pulled down DayZ's servers for an hour today, February 4, to implement "security updates."
It is unclear at this time how many accounts were impacted. GameSpot has contacted Bohemia in an attempt to get more details on the timeline of the DayZ forum hack and more; we will update this post with anything we hear back.