Getting your hands on a game early is always a treat, and as treats go EA has done well this week. The open beta for Crysis 3's multiplayer has landed on consoles and PC, and we've jumped at the chance to hunt our prey across the two maps and two game types on offer. Not jumped in yourself? Take a look at this gameplay, from the Xbox and PC, and see what you make of EA's latest sci-fi shooter.
Xbox 360: Staying hidden is key, just a few shots will secure your death.
Xbox 360: It takes a true marksman to plant an arrow in a mid-air Cell Operative.
PC: You're a regular Robin Hood with that bow! Only, without the charity. Also you're invisible.
PC: What's this? A "Pinger" walker? Of course I'll drive you and kill everyone.
Crysis 3 arrives on 19 February in the US and 22 February in Europe. Already taken part in the beta? Let us know how you got on with the multiplayer in the comments below.