Source: Semiobscure game-news site Amped IGO.
What we heard: Way back in March, rumors surfaced that had Activision developing a modern-day Call of Duty game and Electronic Arts working on a far-future Battlefield title. The latter has since come to pass, with the hit shooter Battlefield 2142. However, the latest entry in the former franchise is the solidly reviewed Call of Duty 3, which retains the series's World War II setting.
According to Amped IGO, there's a perfectly logical explanation for COD3 being set in WWII. The site says that, rather than repeat the confusion that followed the simultaneous release of Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 2 for Xbox 360 and PC and Treyarch's Call of Duty 2: Big Red One for current-gen consoles, the two internal studios are now alternating installments in the series. Treyarch will reportedly work on odd-numbered games like Call of Duty 3, which is based on the groundbreaking COD2 engine. Meanwhile, Infinity Ward, which created the franchise and the COD2 engine, will work on even-numbered installments, presumably laying the technical groundwork for a Treyarch sequel.
The alternating scheme would explain why COD 3 returned to WWII's killing fields. As for Call of Duty 4's setting, Amped IGO knows it takes place during modern times...and that's about it. The site did have some intriguing gameplay details, though. Apparently, enemies in the game will have 16 critical points on their craniums, allowing players to shoot off their helmets or even their ears.
Speaking of ears, the Amped IGO article contains some news that will be music to PC Gamers' ears. First and foremost, COD4 will be released on the PC and next-gen consoles, unlike COD3, which skipped the PC. Second, the game will sport a much more robust multiplayer element and feature 54-player battles.
The official story: Activision reps had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.
Bogus or not bogus?: Given that this is the second rumor about a modern-day COD, this is looking less and less bogus. Besides, how many times can the franchise go to the WWII well?