Gears of War 4 is out, and it performs remarkably well on a console that will, in no more than one year’s time, be following the lead of its bigger brother; a more capable system sporting hardware that will allow it to deliver true, fully uncompressed, 4K gaming experience and high fidelity VR. With its 6 teraflops of performance, Project Scorpio will of course be a treat to developers that are always looking forward to delivering excellent stuff, like The Coalition itself, which, as we already know, is ready to get the most out of Project Scorpio when it launches next year.
Before the launch of the fifth installment in the Gears of War series; the first one not to be developed by Epic Games, DailyStar spoke with The Coalition studio head Rod Fergusson about the transformation in the console gaming industry, and asked him to share his thoughts on the Project Scorpio. Fergusson started by pointing out console gamers fall behind their PC counterparts, saying that consoles are always able to outperform PC initially because of price point, but as time passes, things start to get quickly better on the PC side.
“I think when you look at what the console market was up to now, it was basically: here’s a fixed product live with it for eight years. Be excited on day one and then watch over the next eight years as you fall behind PC players, because hardware has moved on but you haven’t so your games start looking [rough].
Initially because of price point consoles are always able to outperform PC on first day and look better than the PC for that price point and thats why you’re all excited. But then year 4 or even sooner, you’re like ‘oh, my console games maybe don’t look as good as the PC counterpart' thats because they’ve been upgrading the video card every year. So you get in a system that you lose, you disconnect from the technology curve within the consoles.”
Mid generational console upgrades, Fergusson said, can solve this problem. With upgrades like Project Scorpio, you are not only able to move to better hardware, you can also take your accessories and games with you, and have them deliver an even better gameplay experience.
"For me its this idea that without that generational ‘ok i gotta wait eight years to get a better looking game’ That idea that hey without generations I can have this game, I can bring my backwards compatibility my digital library with me, it will take advantage of that new power. Like now, things that use dynamic resolution will become fixed frame rates, fixed resolutions and those sorts of things, whereas now you can advantage of that power and you don’t have to wait 10 years to get that advantage or getting new content that takes advantage of it.”
What are your thoughts on Project Scorpio? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. For more on Microsoft’s upcoming console, keep checking back here.