Minecraft Crosshair In Valorant is an interesting crosshair you can use in the game. It has also become quite popular. Many players like to experiment with the crosshairs they use in the game. Some prefer more dynamic ones and some prefer the ones that areunique. Each of these has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Minecraft and Valorant are both legendary games and combining the two of them can be a dream come true for some players. In this guide, we will show you how you can get the Minecraft Crosshair using a few codes.
We will mention the codes you can use to make your Minecraft Crosshair, here. However, you can freely adjust and tweak these crosshairs as you wish and according to your liking.
Default Minecraft Crosshair – 0;s;1;P;h;0;0l;12;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;S;c;4;s;0.701
Plus Sign Minecraft Crosshair – 0;s;1;P;h;0;0l;12;0o;0;0a;1;0f;
Steve Minecraft Crosshair –0;P;c;8;u;105141FF;t;3;o;1;b;1;f;0;m;1;0t;10;0l;10;0v;20;0g;1;0o;0;0a;0.6;0f;0;1t;10;1l;4;1v;10;1g;1;1o;8;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Custom Variation Minecraft crosshair – 0;c;1;s;1;P;h;0;d;1;m;1;0l;8;0v;1;0g;1;0o;4;0a;1;0f;0;1t;6;1l;1;1o;3;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0;S;c;5;s;0.8;o;1The Minecraft Crosshair is used by players to make their gameplay a little more fun. There are no negative effects of using it, that being said, there aren’t any positive effects, either. It won’t necessarily help you while shooting. The Steve crosshair is used by players to troll others. You can make use of the Default one we have mentioned as that will not create any blockage while shooting, unlike the Steve Crosshair.
LaunchValorant on your device.
Go to the Settings options.
Open the Crosshair Settings.
Copy the Code mentioned for the Crosshair you want, paste it, and click on Import.
These are all the Minecraft Crosshairs you can use in Valorant to spruce up your game. If you have your heart set on a crosshair and don’t know how to get it, you can also check our guide on Copying Crosshairs without Importing and Best Crosshair Codes for Headshots, right here on Gamer Tweak.