Shonen Smash is a simple party game created by TenTheWarrior. Default controls are JKLM, set them in your menu if you want other keys. Press AA or DD to run. On this page you'll find all of the Shonen Smash codes to help you get some free rewards in the game for as long as the codes remain valid.
Here you will find all of the released codes for Shonen Smash, dive in and check them out as we don't know when they will expire and stop working!
200KVisits!Tap to copy
- Get 3,000 Cash5000Lik3sSHEESH!Tap to copy
- Get 4,000 Cash100KVisits!Tap to copy
- Get 6,000 Cash1000LikesWHAT!Tap to copy
- Get 12,000 CashReleaseTheGame!Tap to copy
- Get 12,000 Cash
Expired Shonen Smash codes
There are currently no expired codes for Shonen Smash
How to redeem Shonen Smash Codes
Start the game and click on the Twitter icon, this will bring up the code entry screen where you can copy and paste or type in any of the codes you want to try. Press the redeem button when done.
How to get more Shonen Smash Codes
We will be keeping this page updated with all of the latest codes for this game and also a history of all of the old codes too in case you miss any, so you can bookmark this page and return to it to find all of the codes for Shonen Smash on Roblox.
You can follow the related social channels for this game which are:
@TenTheWarrior on Twitter
shonen smash lol Discord