Grand Kaizen, a Roblox experience based on the hit manga turned anime series Jujutsu Kaisen, has recently garnered a ton of popularity amongst the fans. The game follows the basic premise of the manga and lets players explore the strange world of sorcery where they will be able to become a powerful Jujutsu Sorcerer or instead a High-Grade Curse. Along the way, you will wield a variety of powers and weapons.
Table of Contents
All Grand Kaizen CodesActive CodesExpired CodesHow to Redeem Grand Kaizen CodesHow to Get More Codes
And if you find your time learning the art of Jujutsu sorcery to be tough, you can always bank on the codes in Grand Kaizen. These codes will help you redeem rewards like free spins to make things much easier in the game. So if you want to speed things up and level up faster to master Jujutsu, then here is a list of all active and working codes and how to redeem them in the game.
HappyNewYear—Redeem this code to get 25 Spins and 2 XP Drop Rate
MobileFixes—Redeem this code to get 5 Spins
20kLikes!—Redeem this code to get 15 Spins
15kLikes!—Redeem this code to get 15 Spins
BugFixes – Redeem this code to get 10 free spins in the game.
ReRelease – Redeem this code to get 25 free spins in the game.Before redeeming them, it is worth mentioning that the codes are level-locked at level 5. Meaning, you will need to first reach level 5 in order to redeem the codes. With that out of the way, here are the steps you can follow to redeem Grand Kaizen Codes:
Launch Grand Kaizen on the Roblox player.
Press M on the keyboard to open up the main menu.
Select the cog wheel icon to enter the settings of the game.
Here, you will come across a textbox to redeem the codes.
Copy all the working codes from the list above and paste them into the textbox.
Once done, click on the blue redeem button to successfully gain all the rewards.For players looking for more codes in Grand Kaizen, your best bet would be to join the official Discord server. In the server, the devs will update everyone about all the recent code releases and if any of them have been removed from the game. Additionally, you can also follow the official Twitter page for more updates.
We will update all the above sections with all the new Grand Kaizen codes as soon as the devs release them in the game. Till then stay tuned!
That’s everything covered in this guide. If you find this guide helpful, be sure to go through our massive list of Codes for other popular Roblox experiences. We have the updated list of codes for Dungeon Quest, Cam Conqueror, and Farmer Simulator Codes, right here on Gamer Tweak.