In the unique world of Roblox Fart A Friend, players have the opportunity to indulge in a rather unconventional form of competition. Here, eating food helps players gain power, which they then utilize to “fart” on others as a way to win. The game not only counts wins but also allows for the collection of pets. Adding an extra layer of dimension to the gameplay, players can explore new worlds, expanding the landscapes in which they can engage in this distinctive form of battle.
Fart A Friend codes allow you to get free spins that give you a chance for a powerful pet, gems, wins, or boost potions. Some will also give you just boosts, which can be used in the Store area of the game.
CHRISTMAS – Redeem code for a free rewards (NEW)
Turkey – Redeem code for a free rewards
20k – Redeem code for a free rewards
new10000 – Redeem code for a free rewards
Halloween – Redeem code for a free rewards
LOL2000 – Redeem code for a free spin
Release – Redeem code for 2x 30 Minute Shiny Pet Boost Potions
Find codes for a bunch of other games in our Roblox Games Codes page.
To redeem a code in Roblox Fart A Friend, you just need to follow these steps:
Click on the Code button (book icon) on the right side of your screen
Grab one of the codes from our list
Enter it into the text box
Hit the Redeem button to get your rewardScreenshot: Try Hard Guides
If it’s a new code that doesn’t work, try closing out of the game and re-opening it. This will put you in a new server, which could have an updated build of the game where it will hopefully be working!
To get more codes, make sure to join the official Quantum Explorers Discord server to get news, updates, and to chat with other players who are actively playing Fart A Friend. Otherwise, we will be updating this page with all of the most recent codes, so make sure to check back frequently!