Our list of A Universal Time codes is updated and it has all the latest, working, new and valid codes that you can redeem right now.
When you redeem an AUT code successfully, you will get a lot of free rewards like Skin Crate, which will make your gameplay a lot easier.
Earlier, AUT did not have a code redemption option but with the 2.2 Asgore update, the devs added it to the game.
Ever since the code redemption feature was added, a lot of players have been searching for AUT new codes to claim free rewards.
While you are here, you must be one of those players. Don’t you If your answer is YES then don’t worry, we have got you covered.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
Here are all active and valid codes to redeem:
NAHIDWIN — Redeem for ushards (NEW!)
NewStandsWoo – Redeem code for 10x Skin Crate
Notably, all A Universal Time codes mentioned above were 100% working at the time of writing this post. However, if you find any code is either invalid or expired, do let us know in the comment section below.
The following codes have been expired:
GrindNeverStops – Redeem code for 10x Skin Crate
Grindfest – Redeem code for 10x Skin Crate
PhantomBlood – Redeem code for 1x Item Crate
BattleTendency – Redeem code for 10x Skin Crate
Ascension – Redeem code for 10x skin crates (Requires 100 levels total from any ability)
Reaper – Redeem code for 10x Skin Crate
1MillionMembers – Redeem code for 10x Skin Crate
melon – Redeem code for Gold Experience Requiem: Melon
PuddestApologyVideo – Redeem code for 10x Skin CrateIn the FAQ section, we try to answer all basic questions related to the game.
Ans: Redeeming A Universal Time code is straightforward. However, if you don’t know how then follow the steps written below:
First, visit Roblox.com or launch Roblox app.
Now, search for AUT and then click on the Play button.
Once the game is loaded, open up the Menu option.
Once opened, enter a working code into the text box ‘Enter Code’.
Once entered, click on the ‘Redeem Code’ option.
That’s it.Ans: To get more new codes for AUT, you need to either visit this website frequently or follow the devs of the game on social media platforms — Twitter, Discord and Facebook.
These are two platforms where you can get the latest codes before anyone else.
Ans: Yes, you can play AUT on a private server. Before you skip reading this post and try to play it on a VIP server, let me tell you that you need to spend 150 Robux to purchase AUT’s private server.
If you want to get AUT private server for free, make sure to visit our website from time to time as we often purchase new private server and share it on our website.