Previously known as Super Saiyan Simulator 2, Dragon Blox is the Roblox game loosely inspired by the hit Anime Dragon Ball Z. You can explore the world around you while battling enemies and learning how to become the most powerful Saiyan out there. As you venture through the game, you can work hard to level-up to get stronger and you can collect all important Zenny too. This in-game currency can be spent on consumables that boost your abilities, new cosmetics, and new weapons.
Collecting enough XP to become more powerful, and collecting enough Zenny to buy the things you want can take a while. This is where Dragon Blox codes come in. Game Developer G RBLX Games periodically release codes that can give you free Zenny, XP boosts and even more. We've collected all of the working codes for you in this handy guide, so you can have an even easier start to your adventure.
Currently, there are no working codes for Dragon Blox. We'll update this page when new codes are released.
@DB_FreeResetTicketsCode5: Skill Reset Ticket and Stat Reset Ticket
500MPLAYS!: 100K EXP, Skill Reset Ticket and Stat Reset Ticket
@DB_FreeResetTicketsCode4: Rewards
@DB_FREEEXPCODE3: Skill Reset Ticket and Stat Reset Ticket
@DB_FreeResetTicketsCode3: Skill Reset Ticket and Stat Reset Ticket
UPDATE16.5ISHERE!: 2,500 EXP, 150 Currency, 10 Premium Currency
FreeResetTicket!: Skill and Stat Reset Ticket
400MPLAYS!: 3 Skill Reset Points, 2 Rebirths
UPDATE16.5RESET: Skill and Stat Reset Ticket
#DragonBloxonMedias: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
July2023FREEREBIRTH!: 2 Rebirth
July2023FREESKILLRESET!: 3 Skill Reset Points
UPDATE16ISHERE!: 3 Rebirth, 15 Gold Zenny, 3 Skill Reset Points
July2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek2: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
July2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek1: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
JUNE2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek4: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
June2023FREEREBIRTH!: 2 Rebirth
June2023FREESKILLRESET!: 3 Skill Reset Points
JUNE2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek2: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
JUNE2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek1: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
May2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek5: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
May2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek4: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
May2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek3: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
May2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek2: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
May2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek1: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
May2023FREEREBIRTH!: 2 Rebirth
May2023FREESKILLRESET!: 3 Skill Reset Points
April2023FREESKILLRESET!: 3 Skill Reset Points
April2023FREEREBIRTH!: 2 Rebirths
April2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek4: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
April2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek2: 2 Rebirth, 25 Gold Zenny
April2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek1: Rewards
MARCH2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek4: 2 Rebirths, 25 Gold Zenny
MARCH2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek3: 2 Rebirths, 25 Gold Zenny
MARCH2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek2: 2 Rebirths, 25 Gold Zenny
MARCH2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek1: 2 Rebirths, 25 Gold Zenny
FEB2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek4: 2 Rebirths, 25 Gold Zenny
100KYTSUBS: 5 Rebirths, 3 Skill Resets, 25 Gold Zenny
FEB2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek3: 2 Rebirths, 25 Gold Zenny
FEB2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODEWeek2: 2 Rebirths, 25 Gold Zenny
FEB2023FREESKILLRESET!: 3 Skill Resets
FEB2023FREEREBIRTH!: 2 Rebirths
FEB2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODE#1: 2 Rebirths, 25 Gold Zenny
2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODE#2: 5 Rebirths, 50 Gold Zenny
JAN2023FREEREBIRTH!: 2 Rebirths
JAN2023FREESKILLRESET!: 3 Skill Resets
2023ISHERE!: 50 Gold Zenny
2023REBIRTH&GOLDCODE#1: 5 Rebirths, 50 Gold Zenny
DB_WELCOME2023!: 5 Rebirths, 3 Skill Resets, 50 Gold Zenny
DEC2022FREESKILLRESET!: 3 Skill Resets
DEC2022FREEREBIRTH!: 2 Rebirths
1MGROUPMEMBERS!: 2 Rebirths, 3 Skill Resets
300MPLAYS!: 2 Rebirths, 3 Skill Resets
2023ISALMOSTHERE!: 50 Gold Zenny
XMAS22CODE!: 5 Rebirths, 3 Skill Resets, 50 Gold Zenny
HALLOWEEN2022!: 2 Rebirths, 2 Skill Resets
To redeem Dragon Blox codes, you'll need to do the following:
Launch Dragon Blox and load into the game.
When you're in the game, you need to open the Menu (this can be found on the left side of your screen)
On this Menu, you then need to click on "Settings":
A window will then appear in the middle of your screen. In the bottom corner of this window, you should see a small button that says "redeem code". Click on this.
Then, enter your code into the small text box that appears and click "redeem" to claim it.
If you successfully redeem a code, another window will appear that asks you if you want to claim your reward. You'll need to agree to this in order get the reward the code has provided.