In Roblox Anime Spirits, a game inspired by the popular “One Piece” and “Project XL,” players can enjoy an experience on both console and mobile platforms. The game revolves around the intriguing mechanics of Souls, which spawn every 30 minutes and despawn after 20, challenging players to strategize their gameplay. With a total of 10 unique Souls in the game, each session promises a dynamic and engaging experience for fans of the anime genre.
Codes in Anime Spirits can get you Race and Perk spins which will help you become more powerful, and help you conquer all of the enemies you will face in the game!
BUGFIXESSORRY – Redeem code for 10 Race/Perk Spins + 500 Gems (NEW)
35KLIKESYESS – Redeem code for +10 Race Spins, + 10 Perk Spins
30KLIKES – Redeem code for +10 Race Spins, + 10 Perk Spins
MYTHICRIMURO – Redeem code for +5 Race Spins, + 5 Perk Spins
MYTHICGOJOH – Redeem code for +5 Race Spins, + 5 Perk Spins, +200 Gems
20KLIKESYEAHH – Redeem code for +10 Race Spins, + 10 Perk Spins
SANTASGIFT – Redeem code for +10 Race Spins, + 10 Perk Spins
CHRISTMASPART1 – Redeem code for +5 Race Spins and +5 Perk Spins
RELEASE – Redeem code for +3 Race Spins and + 3 Perk Spins
Find codes for a bunch of other games in our Roblox Games Codes page.
To redeem a code in Roblox Anime Spirits, you will just need to follow these steps:
Click on the Menu button once you’ve entered the game
Click on the Codes button
Grab a code from our list
Enter it into the text input area
Hit the Redeem button to receive your rewardsScreenshot: Try Hard Guides
If it’s a brand new code that doesn’t work, try closing out of the game and re-opening it. This will put you in a new server, which could have an updated build of the game where the code will be working!
To get alerted about new codes, make sure to join the official TAKLA SQUAD Discord server to get news, updates, and to chat with other players about the game! You can also head back to this page, where we will be keeping it updated with all the recent freebies.