Code Vein, the anime action role-playing game inspired by From Software's series released by Bandai Namco back in 2019 on PC and consoles, recently reached another important milestone, the Japanese publisher confirmed today.
According to the publisher, the game shipped over 3 million copies worldwide, an impressive result for a somewhat niche game and a new property. The publisher shared a new commemorative image to celebrate the occasion, which can be found below.
#CodeVein has surpassed 3 million copies shipped worldwide, and it's all thanks to you.
Dear Revenants, please enjoy this commemorative illustration to show our appreciation.
— Code Vein (@CodeVeinGame) March 21, 2023
Despite not being a perfect game, Code Vein's sales are definitely deserved. While the game is heavily influenced by the Souls series, its own take on the formula is interesting enough. Combat, in particular, is made very engaging by its weighty feel and the vast number of abilities that empower a variety of playstyles. You can learn more about the game by checking out Rosh's review.
But despite its occasionally tedious locations, Code Vein does tap into the satisfaction that comes from exploration and conquest. With no real loading screens, you’ll want to keep pushing forward, testing your luck and hopefully pushing your sidekick off a skyscraper. The combat has a lot going on, even if most of the encounters start with the same type of ambush. Whether Code Vein can be remembered in the same way as Dragon's Dogma is yet to be seen, but its over the top edgy aesthetic and pretty decent combat make it fun enough to jump into.
Code Vein is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One worldwide. The game is now available for cheap on Steam as part of the Spring Sale, so there's no better time than now to embark on a journey to the ends of hell.