Civilization IV is a game about being able to shape history your own way. You'll take charge of one of 18 different civilizations from world history, and, starting in the Stone Age, you must build and expand your empire to survive the passage of time. You'll research new technologies, establish new cities (or conquer someone else's), and flourish. So who are these civilizations? We've been able to go through Civ IV's built-in Civilopedia to get the details regarding the game's civilizations, their unique units, as well as the various leaders to give you a peak of what's in store for you. Just keep in mind that the details are subject to change, as the game is still in the final stages of development. Civilization IV is scheduled to ship late next month.
Alexander leads the Greeks. Just don't let him become great.
Each leader has two traits that help define their behavior and strategies in the game. The available traits are listed below.
Aggressive: Free promotion of melee and gunpowder units. Double production speed of barracks and dry dock.
Creative: +2 culture per city. Double production speed of theater, coliseum.
Expansive: +2 health per city. Double production speed of granary and harbor.
Financial: +1 gold on plots with 2 gold. Double production speed of bank.
Industrious: Wonder production increased 50 percent. Double production speed of forge.
Organized: Civic upkeep reduced 50 percent. Double production speed of lighthouse and courthouse.
Philosophical: Birth rate increased 100 percent. Double production speed of university.
Spiritual: No anarchy. Double production speed of the temple.
Americans: The Americans start with fishing and agriculture. If the Americans can survive to the late stages of the game, they can take advantage of their unique unit, the Navy SEAL, which replaces the Marine unit. Washington and Roosevelt are the two possible American leaders. Washington's traits are financial and organized, while Roosevelt's traits are industrious and organized. Both favor the universal suffrage civic.
Arabians: The Arabians start with mysticism and the wheel. Their unique unit, the camel archer, appears in the Middle Ages and is a replacement for the knight unit. Saladin is the only leader for Arabia, and he is philosophical and spiritual. His favorite civic is theocracy.
Aztecs: The Aztecs start with mysticism and hunting that is already researched. The unique Aztec unit is the jaguar, a replacement for the regular swordsman unit early in the game. Montezuma is the sole Aztec leader, and he is aggressive and spiritual. His favorite civic is police state.
Mansa Musa leads the Malinese. He likes free markets and puppies.
Chinese: The Chinese start with agriculture and mining. Their unique unit is the Cho-Ko-Nu, which replaces the crossbowman. Quin Shi Huang and Mao Zedong are the two possible Chinese leaders. Quin Shi Huang favors the police state civic, and his traits are industrious and financial. Mao Zedong favors the state property civic, and his traits are philosophical and organized.
Egyptians: The Egyptians start with agriculture and the wheel. The Egyptian unique unit is the war chariot, which replaces the regular chariot. Hatshepsut is the sole Egyptian ruler. She favors the hereditary rule civic, and her traits are spiritual and creative.
English: The English start with fishing and mining. Their unique unit is the redcoat, which replaces the standard rifleman unit. Elizabeth and Victoria are the two possible English leaders. Elizabeth favors the free religion civic, and her traits are philosophical and financial. Victoria favors the representation civic, and her traits are expansive and financial.
Tokugawa is the Japanese leader. You'll always know your standing with other leaders in Civ IV.
French: The French start with agriculture and the wheel. The French unique unit is the musketeer, which replaces the standard musketman unit. Louis XIV and Napoleon are the two possible French leaders. Louis XIV favors hereditary rule and is creative and organized. Napoleon favors representation and is aggressive and industrious.
Germans: The Germans start with hunting and mining. Their unique unit appears relatively late in the game, as the Panzer replaces the tank unit. Frederick and Bismarck are the two possible German leaders. Frederick favors universal suffrage and is creative and philosophical. Bismarck favors representation and is expansive and industrious.
Greeks: The Greeks start with fishing and hunting. The Greek unique unit is the phalanx, which replaces the spearman. Alexander is the sole Greek leader. He favors the hereditary rule civic, and he is aggressive and philosophical.
Incans: The Incans start with agriculture and mysticism. The Incan unique unit is the Quechua, which replaces the warrior unit. Huayna Capac is the sole Incan leader. He favors hereditary rule and is aggressive and financial.
Indians: The Indians start with mysticism and mining. Their unique unit is actually the fast worker, which replaces the standard worker unit. Asoka and Gandhi are the two possible Indian leaders. Asoka favors universal suffrage and is organized and spiritual. Gandhi also favors universal suffrage and is industrious and spiritual.
Japanese: The Japanese start with fishing and the wheel. The Japanese unique unit is the samurai, which replaces the maceman unit. Tokugawa is the sole Japanese leader. He favors mercantilism and is aggressive and organized.
Malinese: The Malinese start with mining and the wheel. Their unique unit is the skirmisher, which replaces the standard archer unit. Mansa Musa is the sole Malinese leader. He favors free markets and is financial and spiritual.
Mongolians: The Mongolians begin with hunting and the wheel. The Mongolian unique unit is the Keshik, which replaces the horse archer. Genghis and Kublai Khan are the two possible Mongol leaders. Genghis favors the police state and is aggressive and expansive. Kublai favors hereditary rule and is aggressive and creative.
Persians: The Persians start with agriculture and hunting. Their unique unit is the Immortal, which replaces the standard chariot unit. Cyrus is the sole Persian leader. He favors representation and is expansive and organized.
Romans: The Romans begin with fishing and mining. The Roman unique unit is the Praetorian, a replacement for the swordsman. Julius Caesar is the sole Roman leader. He favors representation and favors creative and expansive.
Cyrus leads the Persians, and he's a fairly expansive and organized guy.
Russians: The Russians start with hunting and mining. The Russian unique unit is the Cossack, which replaces regular cavalry. Peter and Catherine are the two possible Russian leaders. Peter favors the police state and is expansive and philosophical. Catherine favors hereditary rule and is creative and financial.
Spanish: The Spanish start with fishing and mysticism. The Spanish unique unit is the Conquistador, a replacement for the knight. Isabella is the sole Spanish leader. She favors the police state and is expansive and spiritual.