Japanese animation studio MAPPA has released a gory new trailer for Chainsaw Man, an upcoming anime adaptation from director Ryū Nakayama. Chainsaw Man will be arriving on Crunchyroll this October.
Like the manga it's based upon that started back in 2018, the Chainsaw Man anime focuses on the story of Denji--a teenage Devil Hunter who after his death makes a pact with underworld deities to return as Chainsaw Man. With a new lust for life and empowered to seek revenge, Denji gains the ability to pull a cord in his chest, transform into a devil with chainsaws for hands (plus another for a head), and is guaranteed to almost never use them for gardening or logging tasks. Check out the trailer below.
"With dark humor, dynamic characters and a sharp story, Chainsaw Man is one of the most anticipated new series this year, and we are wickedly excited to bring it to fans on the Crunchyroll service," said Asa Suehira, Chief Content Officer at Crunchyroll. "Anime fans will be up all night thinking about the spectacular visuals and high-octane action."
If you're curious to check out Tatsuki Fujimoto's original manga in the meantime, it's available with Viz Media's digital Shonen Jump library. The first part of the series has finished, and the series is currently in the process of playing out Part 2--which introduces another new main character's perspective on the story.
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