Nintendo Australia in partnership with Konami Digital Entertainment GmBH will be bringing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate to Australian shores. The action adventure title will be released in Australia on March 9 this year exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS.
The game was originally intended to launch last year but was delayed, with producer Dave Cox explaining, “It's been two years since the enormous success of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, and with this next installment, we want to take the necessary time needed to give fans a handheld title unlike any other”
Mirror of Fate redirects its focus on the Belmont clan, 25 years after Castlevania: Lords of Shadow's conclusion. Players take on the roles of Trevor and Simon Belmont, as well as Dracula's own son, Alucard.
The game will also lead into this year's other Castlevania game, Lords of Shadow 2 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. All three games have Mercury Steam as developer.
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