Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer features standard 6v6 playlists, as well as Ground War and War mode for large-scale fights. If you're a new or returning player, this year's multiplayer might feel a bit overwhelming with the updated movement mechanics and fast-paced action. Here we provide some of the best tips to help you score wins across all game modes in Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer.
Once you start leveling up in Modern Warfare 3, you'll unlock plenty of perks and weapons to use. Some guns will be easier to handle than others, and you'll likely want to choose attachments that help improve the handling and mobility of the weapon. Perk choices will depend on your preferred playstyle.
We do have a recommended loadout guide to help you choose some of the best weapons and perks in Modern Warfare 3.
To choose between killstreak or scorestreak, you'll simply want to press the right trigger (R2/RT) on the killstreak menu to toggle between the two options. You can change this option at any time between matches, so you don't have to worry if you change your mind on how you want to play.
This means the UAV, which is the lowest-cost streak in the game, is actually one of the best to equip. It reveals enemy locations on the minimap and gives you and your teammates map awareness.
The Counter-UAV is another solid choice for a low-end streak, as it will take info away from the enemy. Additionally, the Advanced UAV is a great high-end option as it provides you and your teammates with an untargetable orbital UAV that reveals each enemy's direction on the minimap in real time.
MW3's Skidrow remastered mapGallery
One helpful tip I always give to new friends playing Call of Duty is to work the outskirts of the map. If you just rush straight into the middle of the map, you're putting yourself in the hot zone, and you run a greater risk of being targeted from multiple angles and enemies. You'll still get plenty of gunfights working from the outskirts and slowly working inwards, but this gives you time to get more familiar with the gunplay, fast-paced movement, and learn the hot spots for each map.
For example, if you just rush straight to the crashed plane near the center of Afghan, you'll likely get insta-sniped from a number of different directions.
The best way to counter this is to make sure you're aiming your gun as you navigate through buildings and turn corners. Never have your gun down in these moments, because in the seconds it takes to raise your gun and aim down sights, an opponent can appear out of nowhere and fire at you.
There's even a compass at the very top of the screen. This often seems to get overlooked by players, but this will also ping red dots for enemies firing their weapon. This is great for large-scale modes like Ground War or War where you might want to use directional callouts to let your teammates know about a far-off tank or sniper.
Additionally, there's also a ping system to mark enemies using the D-pad, but sometimes it doesn't actually ping the specific player or area you're aiming for.
Additionally, we have a guide on how to level up faster in Modern Warfare 3, including both player rank and weapon progression. Modern Warfare 3 includes the Tac-Stance mechanic for faster and more precise firing without ADS, but here's our guide on how to turn off this awkward new feature.
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