Gearbox Software's Borderlands series did not exist in the 16-bit era of games, but thanks to a new browser-based de-make of the franchise, gamers can see what such a game could have been like. Shoot and loot like it's 1989 in The Border Lands.
The developer has released "The Border Lands" for PC, an overhead arcade-style shooter that has players enlisting as one of four characters and surviving waves of oncoming enemies. As in the contemporary version, gamers can level their characters and collect loot.
Development recently wrapped on Borderlands 2, with Gearbox now working on postlaunch support for the game, including the mechromancer class. The game is due out for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on September 18. A recent game guide writer's playthrough of the title took 58 hours, with Gearbox calling the game a "hobby." For more on Borderlands 2, check out GameSpot's latest preview.