Bleem has announced that it has filed a new motion with the US District Court for the Northern California District. The motion claims that Sony Computer Entertainment has interfered with the sales and marketing of the bleem! for Dreamcast product by threatening video game retailers with legal and market retaliation if they continue to sell the product. The company claims that, among others, the video game retailer Babbage's has been pressured into stopping the distribution of the so-called bleemcast! and has asked to return nearly all of its 7,000-unit initial order.
"Sony has already asked the judge to pull bleem! from the market in three separate motions, and each time, they've lost," said David Herpolsheimer, president and CEO of Bleem. "This is nothing more than an end run around the justice system--Sony is using its huge market power to force retailers into giving them what the courts won't."
The bleem! for Dreamcast utility lets players enjoy specific PlayStation games on the Sega Dreamcast with improved visual quality. The first bleemcast! title, Sony's first-party product Gran Turismo 2, was launched on May 2.