Robert Trump, brother of President Donald Trump, passed away on Saturday at the age of 71. While this has made national news due to the connection to the White House, Robert also sat on the board of ZeniMax Media, parent company of Bethesda Games. The studio has now released a statement on Robert's passing:
"We were deeply saddened by the passing of Robert Trump, long-time member of the ZeniMax Board of Directors," the statement reads. "Robert had served on the ZeniMax Board since the company’s founding in 1999. During that time he was a constant source of guidance and counsel for the company for more than two decades. In addition to his vast experience, Robert was extremely approachable and always treated board members and employees equally. We could not have grown as a company and achieved our many successes without the help and support he offered. He will be sorely missed and we extend our condolences to his family and friends."
President Trump visited his brother on Friday evening after he was admitted to a hospital in New York with a serious illness. The cause of death was not disclosed. The president is expected to attend Robert's funeral. Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, issued a statement offering condolences.
Robert was on the board since the company was founded in 1999, so he was with the company throughout all of its acquisitions, including the Fallout series, Prey, and Id Software.
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