"This is a scene from the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. Near the ghetto district of Beauclair where the vendors of paint can be found. I think it is good looking because it shows an obviously poorer part of the city but gives it so much colour and personality. Seeing the vats where they prepare the paint is joyous and having other tools and items around the area be painted playfully shows character.
In a sense it is the festive beauty of poor people doing art or just having fun. One that is human and goes for even the rich city part of Beauclair. That is why I liked it.
No mods, though I have edited the ini for higher settings myself. I tweaked the shadows and tessellation factors as well as some LOD settings."
There’s are no requirements regarding layout, concept, resolution, or anything of that nature. Feel free to tweak, correct, or beautify photos in Photoshop (or any other sub-par photo-editing software). Just make sure you shot is memorable because it may be worth 1 FREE Far Cry 5 Game Key (For the PC only… Sorry Blah boy).
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In the end, the most beautiful, the most epic, most incredible photo will be selected and the owner of said screenshot will win our grand prize (complements of Fister), a shiny new Far Cry 5 game key! Free! Submissions end 24 hours after this article is posted.
And now, here's your moment of Zen....