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Battlefield Vietnam Profile Preview #3: The Vehicles of Battlefield Vietnam
Battlefield Vietnam Profile Preview #3: The Vehicles of Battlefield Vietnam-October 2024
Oct 20, 2024 8:46 AM

  Two years ago, developer Digital Illusions and publisher EA Games released what would become one of the most popular online games today: Battlefield 1942. This fast-paced first-person shooter let you play as a WWII soldier armed with contemporary weapons. Additionally, this soldier had the ability to jump into just about any nearby vehicle to go for a ride. The original game included fighter planes, battleships, and plenty of tanks and artillery. All the vehicles were easy to jump into and drive but required some amount of skill, timing, and finesse to use effectively. You can expect to see even more vehicle-based action in Battlefield Vietnam, which (of course) will take place during the Vietnam War. The new game will let you play as either the US forces or as the Vietnamese opposing forces. You'll not only coordinate ground assaults with armored personnel carriers, tanks, and jeeps, but you'll also be able to creep up river deltas in patrol boats, and you can descend on enemy positions in attack choppers. Take a look at the vehicles of Battlefield Vietnam in our third and final profile preview.


Air Vehicles, US

  The Huey transport may not look like much--at least until its passengers start using the side guns.

  Huey transport

  Passengers: 1-5

  Weapons: Two side-mounted M60 machine guns (gunners)

  The Huey transport chopper is a well-rounded support vehicle that can seat a pilot and up to four passengers. Two passengers can man the powerful side-mounted M60 machine guns, while two others can use their infantry weapons to take gunner positions off to the sides of the chopper. Even though the Huey pilot has no primary or secondary weapons to speak of, the chopper can not only ferry four other teammates, but it also has a mounted winch that can airlift small land vehicles, like jeeps. The Huey transport appears in four levels: Operation Game Warden, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Hastings, and the Fall of Lang Vie.

  The gunship's missiles are decent, but its passenger cannon can be devastating.

  Huey gunship

  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: Dual missile launchers (pilot)

  M5 40mm nose-mounted grenade launcher, M134 autocannon (co-pilot)

  The Huey gunship is a heavy-duty chopper that's good for support and great for assaults. This powerful chopper can carry only two passengers--a pilot and a gunner--but it can also airlift ground vehicles to flashpoints and is no slouch in battle. The Huey's pilot can use the ship's dual missile launchers to attack, while the gunner/copilot can either use the side-mounted M134 autocannon, or he can blast nearby targets with the nose-mounted grenade launcher. The gunship is available in four levels: Operation Game Warden, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Hastings, and the Fall of Lang Vie.

  Be warned: This Cobra comes with heat-seekers.

  Huey Cobra

  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: Dual missile pods (pilot)

  Heat-seeking missiles, M134 autocannon (co-pilot)

  The Huey Cobra is a fast-moving attack chopper that can't airlift any vehicles, though it's versatile enough to be used for both strafing runs and air-to-air battles, assuming you have a decent gunner on board. Piloting the Cobra lets you use the chopper's standard missile launcher, though the gunner has access to the ship's powerful autocannon, in addition to nasty heat-seeking missiles, which can be deadly when used from the right range. The Cobra appears in four missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings, the Siege of Khe Sahn, and the Fall of Lang Vie.

  The cavalry in the air.

  ACH 47 Chinook

  Passengers: 1-6

  Weapons: Two forward-facing autocannons (pilot)

  Two missile launchers (co-pilot)

  Two door-mounted M60 machine guns (gunner)

  One ramp-mounted M60 machine gun (ramp operator)

  The Chinook isn't the fastest ship in the sky, but it's a welcome sight to allied players, especially if it's airlifting heavy ground vehicles, like tanks. This huge ship carries up to six passengers, including a pilot, a copilot, two side-gunners, a ramp operator, and an additional passenger. If you've got a skilled pilot at the helm, hitching a ride in one of these things is a much better prospect than going on foot in the jungle. The Chinook is available in three missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Ia Drang Valley, and Operation Irving.

  Do you love the smell of napalm in the morning?

  F-4 Phantom

  Passengers: 1

  Weapons: Heat-seeking missiles, napalm

  While the F-4 doesn't have mounted guns, which puts it at a bit of a disadvantage in air-to-air dogfights, this jet-propelled fighter still has plenty of speed, as well a dangerous cache of heat-seeking missiles. However, the F-4's most devastating offensive offering would be its napalm bombs, which wreak havoc on enemy infantry. The F-4 is available on four maps: Operation Flaming Dart, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Irving, and the Siege of Khe Sahn.

  Death from above!

  A7 Corsair

  Passengers: 1

  Weapons: Autocannon, bombs

  The Corsair is a ship whose powerful bombs are far more effective against ground vehicles than napalm, while its autocannon allows it to dogfight against other ships in the sky, even if it's not quite as fast as an F-4. The Corsair is available in three missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings, and the Siege of Khe Sahn.


Air Vehicles, NVA

  The Mi8 attack chopper isn't all that fast, but it's a decent transport with quite a payload.


  Passengers: 1-6

  Weapons: Four missile launchers (pilot)

  The Mi8 is essentially an airliner that's been converted for combat duty, so it's neither especially fast nor especially tough. However, this sizable attack chopper does allow the North Vietnamese Army to bring up to five passengers behind American lines, and its four mounted missile launchers are nothing to sniff at either. The Mi8 is available in five missions: Operation Game Warden, Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings, the Siege of Khe Sahn, and the Fall of Lang Vie.

  The Mi8 cargo ship doesn't carry any weapons, but its powerful support abilities can be the deciding factor in a battle.

  Mi8 cargo

  Passengers: 1-6

  Weapons: None

  The Mi8 cargo, like the original Mi8, is an airliner that's been converted for combat duty, so it's not fast or durable. It doesn't even have any mounted weapons! However, it can transport up to five passengers, as well as a mobile spawn point, so a pilot who stays out of harm's way can actually harry the enemy by dropping waves of infantry. The Mi8 cargo is also equipped with a resupply shipment (a package that contains both medical supplies and extra ammo) that can be dropped anywhere on the battlefield, though it eventually expires. The versatile Mi8 cargo appears in only two missions: Operation Game Warden and the Fall of Lang Vie. Be warned: This important ship spawns only once per mission!


Air Vehicles, NVA (continued)

  Don't blink, or you'll miss the MiG 17 as it flies past. Hopefully, the pilot will miss you too.

  MiG 17

  Passengers: 1

  Weapons: Machine guns, bombs

  The Soviet-manufactured MiG 17 is extremely fast, and its speed, along with its mounted machine guns, make it a formidable opponent in air-to-air battles. The ship's bombs also allow it to make quick hit-and-run deliveries on enemy ground targets. You'll be able to leave most of your enemies in the dust with this agile fighter, but just be careful that you don't fly out of bounds and get shot down for being a deserter! The MiG 17 is available in three missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings, and the Siege of Khe Sahn.

  The MiG 21 is the NVA's answer to the F-4 Phantom.

  MiG 21

  Passengers: 1

  Weapons: Machine guns, missiles

  The MiG 21 is an jet whose missiles can be devastating to ground targets when flown low to the ground. However, it's extremely powerful as an aerial opponent thanks to its agility and its mounted machine guns, which can chew up any slow-moving US pilot. The MiG 21 is available in two missions: Operation Flaming Dart and the Siege of Khe Sahn.


Land Vehicles, US

  The The M110A2 isn't a tank, but it's excellent for bombarding an enemy encampment.

  M110A2 mobile artillery

  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: 8-inch howitzer artillery cannon (gunner)

  The M110A2 mobile artillery doesn't have the armor or the side-mounted weapons of a tank, and it doesn't move anywhere near as fast as one either. However, it can rain destruction on a faraway target. The primary passenger position is for the driver, while the gunner position actually controls the turret, so the M110A2 can actually acquire target locations, then fire. This vehicle is available in five missions: Operation Albany, Quang Tri 1972, the Siege of Khe Sahn, and both Ho Chi Minh missions.

  This little jeep packs a big wallop.

  M151A1 MUTT

  Passengers: 1-3

  Weapons: Missile launcher (passenger)

  This swift four-wheeler can carry up to three passengers (a driver and two others). The driver actually drives the vehicle and can honk a horn to alert a nearby teammate for pickup, while the side passenger is free to use his or her own infantry weapon. The third passenger sits in the back of the jeep and works the mounted recoilless missile launcher, which is decent against enemy vehicles and is devastating against enemy infantry. The MUTT is available in 12 different missions: Operation Game Warden, Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Albany, Operation Irving, the Siege of Khe Sahn, the Fall of Lang Vie, both Hue maps, both Quang Tri maps, and both Ho Chi Minh maps.

  This armored personnel carrier can bring up to six US troops into battle.


  Passengers: 1-6

  Weapons: Roof-mounted machine gun (gunner)

  This amphibious personnel transport may not look as intimidating as a tank, but it's well-armored, sports a mounted machine gun turret for the gunner position, and carries up to four additional passengers (besides the driver and gunner). These four can all poke their infantry weapons out of slots in the armor and can fire while moving. The M113 also automatically treats the wounds of any of these four passengers (though it doesn't provide this ability for the driver or gunner). The M113 is available in 11 different missions: Operation Game Warden, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Albany, Operation Hastings, the Siege of Khe Sahn, both Hue maps, both Quang Tri maps, and both Ho Chi Minh maps.

  This powerful tank can deal serious damage on the battlefield.

  Sheridan tank

  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: 152mm cannon, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun (driver)

  M240 machine gun (gunner)

  The Sheridan is a powerful tank with a massive main cannon, though its armor includes an outer layer of aluminum rather than steel plating. As such, its powerful main cannon kicks up a great deal of recoil. The main turret has a full 360-degree range of motion, while the gunner position is outfitted with an M240 machine gun. The Sheridan is available in seven missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Irving, Quang Tri 1972, the Siege of Khe Sahn, the Fall of Lang Vie, and the evening Ho Chi Minh Trail map.

  You're not safe in the water when this tank is around.

  M48A3 Patton tank

  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: 90mm cannon, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun (driver)

  M240 machine gun (gunner)

  The M48A3 Patton tank was a medium tank, but it was also the heaviest one used in the war. Though this heavy tank can't be airlifted, it can deliver extremely powerful ordnance. Furthermore, it's amphibious, so it can sustain fire even when crossing rivers. The M48A3 is available in four missions: both Hue maps and both Quang Tri maps.


Land Vehicles, NVA

  This stationary artillery cannon can deal tremendous bombardment damage.

  M46 artillery cannon

  Passengers: 1

  Weapons: 130mm cannon

  This stationary artillery cannon can't move across the map, but it can lay down an impressive amount of fire. The M46's ordnance results in an explosion that damages any nearby enemies. NVA soldiers using the M46 can use a "binoculars view" to better sight their targets. The M46 is available in five missions: Ia Drang Valley, Operation Albany, Operation Irving, the Siege of Khe Sahn, and the morning Ho Chi Minh Trail map.

  Don't knock it till you try it.

  Vespa scooter

  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: None

  Make all the jokes you want. A swift scooter like the Vespa can actually get around much more quickly in the jungle than a tank or a jeep, and while the driver must focus on actually driving the scooter, the passenger is free to use an infantry weapon while moving. The Vespa is available in five missions: Operation Irving, both Quang Tri maps, and both Hue maps.

  The UAZ 469 is a quick way to get three NVA troops from one ground location to another.

  UAZ 469

  Passengers: 1-3

  Weapons: Rear-mounted machine gun (passenger)

  The UAZ 469 is the NVA's four-wheeled equivalent of the US jeep. The driver pilots the vehicle and can honk the horn to signal a nearby teammate for pickup; the side passenger can use his or her infantry weapon; and the rear passenger can make use of the mounted machine gun. The UAZ 469 is available in 11 missions: Operation Game Warden, Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Albany, the Siege of Khe Sahn, the Fall of Lang Vie, both Hue maps, both Quang Tri maps, and both Ho Chi Minh maps.


Land Vehicles, NVA (continued)

  Not your everyday pickup truck.

  BM21 missile launcher

  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: Missile launcher (gunner)

  This missile-launching truck lets its driver position the vehicle while the gunner launches a flight of missiles at a target. The BM21 is available in six missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Irving, Quang Tri 1972, the Fall of Lang Vie, and both Hue missions.

  The NVA has an armored personnel carrier of its own.

  BTR 60

  Passengers: 1-6

  Weapons: Roof-mounted machine gun (gunner)

  This six-man armored transport seats a driver, a gunner, and four passengers. Of the four passengers, two may poke their weapons outside of the vehicle to fire openly, while the other two rearmost passengers may not fire (though their health and ammo supplies are automatically replenished when in this amphibious vehicle). The BTR 60 is available in 10 missions: Operation Game Warden, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Albany, Operation Hastings, both Hue maps, both Quang Tri maps, and both Ho Chi Minh maps.

  The ZSU 57/2 is the bane of US aircraft.

  ZSU 57/2 antiaircraft tank

  Passengers: 1-3

  Weapons: Two 57mm flak guns (gunner)

  The ZSU 57/2 antiaircraft tank isn't all that great in a ground vehicle battle, but it can be devastating to enemy aircraft. The vehicle allows for a driver, a gunner, and an open-air passenger who can provide cover fire with his or her infantry weapon (but is vulnerable to attack). The flak guns have a decent rate of fire, and they literally eat low-flying choppers for breakfast. The ZSU 57/2 is available on five maps: Operation Flaming Dart, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Irving, the Siege of Khe Sahn, and the Fall of Lang Vie.

  The T-54 is a reliable enough ground tank.

  T-54 medium tank

  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: 100mm cannon, coaxial machine gun (driver)

  Roof-mounted machine gun (gunner)

  The T-54 is a fairly powerful medium tank that's useful for ground assaults and defenses. The vehicle allows for a driver to man the main turret, while a gunner uses the roof-mounted machine gun. The T-54 is available on six maps: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Irving, both Hue maps, and both Quang Tri maps.

  The PT-76 is a powerful amphibious tank.


  Passengers: 1-2

  Weapons: 76mm cannon, coaxial machine gun (driver)

  Machine gun (gunner)

  The PT-76 doesn't pack quite as much firepower as the T-54 medium tank, but it's amphibious, which gives it much more freedom of movement. The PT-76 is available on eight maps: Ia Drang Valley, Operation Hastings, the Siege of Khe Sahn, the Fall of Lang Vie, both Quang Tri maps, and both Ho Chi Minh Trail maps.


Sea Vehicles, US

  The Tango is both a troop transport and a vehicle transport.

  Tango (ATC)

  Passengers: 1-4

  Weapons: 20mm cannon (gunner)

  Side-mounted machine guns (passengers)

  The Tango is an extremely handy vehicle that acts as both an aquatic troop transport and an aquatic vehicle transport for both air and land vehicles. Its cargo bay also automatically repairs any allied choppers that land on its deck, and the Tango carries a mobile spawn point. The Tango is available in only two levels, Operation Game Warden and Operation Flaming Dart, and spawns only once per mission.

  The PBR is ideal for quick strikes along a riverbank.

  PBR patrol boat

  Passengers: 1-3

  Weapons: Front-mounted machine gun (gunner)

  Rear-mounted machine gun (passenger)

  The PBR is much faster than the Tango, and while it can't transport vehicles, it can zip along a coastline to provide covering fire for a land assault. If needed, it can also just provide fast transportation across a river delta. The PBR is available in four missions: Operation Game Warden, Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Irving, and Operation Hastings.


Sea Vehicles, NVA

  It's not elegant, but the sampan will get you where you need to go...eventually.


  Passengers: 1-5

  Weapons: None

  The sampan is a riverboat that must be rowed toward its destination, though if you're piloting one, rowing the ship forward (at least) provides enough momentum to keep going while you switch to one of the other four passenger positions. These passengers are free to use their infantry weapons. The sampan is available in three missions: Operation Game Warden, Operation Irving, and Operation Hastings.

  This brings our series of Battlefield Vietnam profile previews to a close. Stay tuned for our video tour of the game, as well as a full review of the game around the day of its release next week.

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