Headfirst Productions, the UK studio that created the Simon the Sorcerer series, has announced a deal to produce games based on the classic cartoon series Battle of the Planets. The cartoon series was based on the adventures of five young orphans with superpowers fighting against the evil mastermind Zoltar. It was originally created in Japan during the early 1970s, and it later made appearances on American TV. In the mid-1980s, it appeared on network television titled G-Force, and it has also appeared on the Cartoon Network.
The first game is planned for release at the end of 2002. It will let players assume control of Princess, Tiny, Keyop, Mark, and Jason--the five main characters that make up G-Force--and fight against Zoltar. The action game will feature flat-shaded real-time graphics and both single-player and cooperative multiplayer modes. We'll have more information about the game soon.