Apex Legends’ next season, entitled “Revelry,” is available to download now. As we’ve previously reported, this season won’t offer a new Legend, but instead will be reworking the current roster to fit into a revamped series of 5 classes (Assault, Recon, Skirmisher, Controller, and Support) and sunsetting the not-terribly-popular Arenas mode in favor of Team Deathmatch. You can check out a gameplay trailer for Apex Legends Revelry, below.
The introduction of the new class system has necessitated some fairly major tweaks to some Apex Legends characters. Here's a rundown of the changes Respawn/Respawn Vancouver have made...
Passive - Heartbeat Sensor
Audio from Seer’s passive is now more audible to enemy playersActivation is now delayed to match raise animation of weapon or unarmedLock-On indication will now only show on heartbeat cadence of targetTactical - Focus of Attention
No longer shows full body scan on scanned targetsUltimate: Exhibit
No longer reveals on initiationDuration reduced from 30s to 25sCooldown increased from 120s to 180sBloodhound
Passive - Tracker (White Ravens)
Ethereal White Ravens will now occasionally spawn near Bloodhound when no enemies are around.White Ravens can be interacted with or scanned to trigger them to fly towards the nearest enemy playerThe White Raven will leave a misty trail behind for Bloodhound to follow, and will share this direction with their team on the map.Using a White Raven will recover 25% Tactical / Ultimate chargeScanning a White Raven will fully refund the Tactical ChargeTactical - Eye of the Allfather
Reduced full body scan time from 3s to 1sDiamond target on scanned enemy is unchangedUltimate - Beast of the Hunt
No longer recharges or speeds up the cooldown rate of Bloodhound’s TacticalWill launch a White Raven that flies towards the nearest enemyKilling an enemy while in Beast of the Hunt will also trigger a White RavenMirage
Passive - Now you see me…
Mirage and his ally now remain cloaked after a revive for 3sWeapons remain stowed while cloakedDrawing your weapon will remove the cloaking effect earlyMirage Clones
Bamboozles are now only triggered by bullet fire and meleeEnemies who are bamboozled now receive notification on their screenBamboozle icon marker now tracks the Bamboozled player’s movementBamboozle icon marker duration increased from 2.5s to 3.5s Pathfinder
Passive - Insider Knowledge
Pathfinder’s passive benefits are no longer gained by scanning Survey BeaconsPathfinder’s passive benefits (Ultimate charge and 10s Ultimate Cooldown reduction) are now gained by revealing Care Packages with the Skirmisher abilityUltimate - Zipline Gun
Max Range increased by ~60%.Max Speed increased by 66%.Acceleration and exit speed adjustments.Targeting improvements, including updated visual and audio cues.Can no longer place the end station on OOB zones.Wraith
Ultimate - Dimensional Rift
Max Portal Distance has been doubled (~76m to 152m)Portal Duration reduced from 60s to 45sWraith now increases speed over time when creating longer portalsHorizon
Tactical - Gravity Lift
Increased weapon spread in Gravity LiftIncreased vertical speed of Gravity Lift by 10%Lifeline
Passive - Combat Revive
Reduced the slow penalty on Lifeline when initiating a reviveUltimate - Care Package
Decreased the drop animation speed of Care Package from 14s to 8sIncreased the deployment range of Care PackageYou can check out the full Apex Legends Revelry patch notes, which also include a variety of weapon tweaks and other changes, right here.
Apex Legends Revelry will also be kicking off with a new Anniversary Collection Event, offering a variety of skins for your whole squad.
There will also be a free mini battle pass offering an array of community-created cosmetics. Here’s the reward track for that.
Apex Legends can be played on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and Switch. The mobile version of the game is being shut down on May 1. As mentioned, the Revelry season kicks off today.