Apex Legends’ next season, entitled “Revelry,” is set to drop later this month and developers Respawn Entertainment/Respawn Vancouver have revealed what you can expect from the update. As previously rumored, this season won’t offer a new Legend, but instead will be reworking the current roster to fit into a revamped series of 5 classes (Assault, Recon, Skirmisher, Controller, and Support). Respawn is also sunsetting the not-terribly-popular Arenas mode in favor of a new Team Deathmatch mode. You can get a rundown on some of the new features coming as part of the Revelry season, below.
Remastered Legend Classes
“We’ve been introducing a new Legend every season and this year we wanted to take a break from releasing a new Legend, you’ll see new Legends in the future but for now, we wanted to see how the core Legends could evolve the ways players have been using them. This season we’ll be adjusting all Legends and introducing a rework to our Class system that we’re calling “Remastered Legend Classes”.
There will be 5 Classes – Assault, Recon, Skirmisher, Controller, Support
Each class will now have some kind of meaningful, unique perk—whether that be the way a Legend can interact with new loot bins or new ways to revive teammates. We’ll also be introducing a few buffs and nerfs across several Legends including Lifeline, Seer, and Wraith. We’ll share full details on Legend changes in our patch notes.”
Team Deathmatch
“First, we want to talk about Arenas. At its core, Apex Legends is a Battle Royale and the team wants to help players master the core game mode, and in its current state Arenas is not meeting our goals.
But we're excited to announce that at the launch of Revelry, we’ll be debuting Team Deathmatch to the Apex Games. Available for the first 3 weeks of the season, TDM has been our community's most requested mode and we’re excited to be delivering this at launch.”
Mixtape Playlist
“We've also heard you want a permanent modes playlist and we're thrilled to announce that in early March we will be releasing Mixtape. Featuring a rotation of TDM, Gun Run, and Control, we see Mixtape as a great way for players to test out a new Legend, practice their skills, and just experience that signature Apex Legends gameplay in real combat situations with little downtime between fights.”
New Weapon
“It’s been a while since we unleashed a new weapon and the wait will be over when Revelry launches with a new energy weapon: The Nemesis. We’re hoping to see this potentially unseat favorite standbys like the R-301 and Flatline.”
First-Time-Player Experience Overhaul
“If you are a new player, this year is a great time to get into Apex Legends. We are overhauling everything for the first-time player experience. We’ll be making improvements to the Firing Range, adding in Dummy strafing and stats tracking. Specifically for our new players, we’ll be adding Bots to our matches so players can get their feet under them and a new Orientation Match system. Our goal with Orientation Matches is to create a lower-pressure environment where new players can get their bearings, learn the core mechanics, and have a little more space to breathe while they learn how to play Apex Legends. New players can play solo, or bring along friends, to play a handful of Orientation Matches primarily against bots before being put into the normal matchmaking queues.”
Sounds like a solid housekeeping update. Those don’t tend to be as exciting as the ones that add tons of new content, but you could argue Apex Legends has been in need of a bit of finetuning for a while now.
Apex Legends can be played on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and Switch. The mobile version of the game is being shut down on May 1. The Revelry season launches on February 14.