Apex Legends, the free-to-play battle royale game developed by Respawn, will continue to get seasonal updates in place of weekly updates in the foreseeable future, CEO Vince Zampella confirmed.
Speaking with Gamasutra, Zampella confirmed that the team's intention was always to have seasonal updates, and they will continue to stick with them, mostly to ensure the quality of life for the team.
Our intention was to always be seasonal, so we’re kind of staying with that. The thought was ‘hey we kind of have something that’s blowing up here, do we want to start trying to drop more content?’ But I think you look at quality of life for the team. We don’t want to overwork the team, and drop the quality of the assets we’re putting out. We want to try and raise that.
Vince Zampella also talked about future seasons, acknowledging that season one was a bit light on content. This will be addressed in future seasons.
All the resources on the team are focused on getting this game in a better position so it plays well, so we have enough content, so the seasons are better.
Apex Legends is now available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.