BioWare has shared thoughts on the weekend's Anthem VIP demo, and outlined bug fixes it has in the works before the public demo kicks off. It also sought to assuage concerns about the final release, which will include fixes not seen in either demo.
In the blog post, BioWare's Chad Robertson says that entitlement bugs, server performance updates, platform bugs for Javelin unlocks, and client bugs were either addressed over the weekend, or will be addressed before the public demo begins. It also notes that it will be doing more scale testing to prepare for the influx of new players coming on Friday, and it plans to especially focus on the frustrating infinite load problem. The public demo will run February 1-3.
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Now Playing: Anthem Open Demo Has "Significant Improvements" - GS News Update
The post also mentions that preparations for the full launch have been in the works for a while, and as a result, "that version of the game already has a long list of things that are already fixed that won't make the public demo weekend." That includes weapons with 0% infusions, changes to Javelin unlocks, fixes to XP loss at the end of missions, stability and performance issues, and more. It promises a look at Anthem's future to come on Sunday afternoon.
"As I shared on Saturday, it started rocky, but we stabilized that afternoon and maintained it until we turned servers off Sunday evening," Robertson wrote. "We learned a ton about our game, our service, and you, our community. We’re working hard to ensure everyone can enjoy the game exactly as we’ve designed it.
"We had an extended look at Anthem and passed along what we learned, including some insights about the end-game. There's no teacher like experience, though, and the VIP test was the first chance many players had to try it out. Unfortunately it was plagued by server issues, and the fixes that rolled out to mitigate them didn't seem to solve the problem for everyone. BioWare has been communicating throughout, though, so its promise of more bug fixes to come over the weekend and then prior to launch should ease some worries.