Netflix's upcoming anime series based on the Tomb Raider franchise has reportedly cast Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter) as the voice actor behind Lara Croft, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
First announced back in January, the Tomb Raider anime will follow Lara Croft's adventures after the events of the Crystal Dynamics reboot trilogy, which wrapped up with 2018's Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Plot details are still light, and other casting announcements are still ahead which might help fans better guess where the story is going.
Tomb Raider will be written by Tasha Huo (The Witcher: Blood Origin, Red Sonja), who is executive producing with dj2 Entertainment founder and CEO Dmitri M. Johnson (Sonic the Hedgehog), Stephan Bugaj, and Howard Bliss. Jacob Robinson will be an executive producer via his company Tractor Pants.
The Tomb Raider franchise was revived in 2018 with Alicia Vikander in the lead role. A sequel to that movie is in the works with Lovecraft Country‘s Misha Green writing and directing. It's hard to believe, but the Tomb Raider series first kicked off 25 years ago. Atwell follows in the footsteps of Viklander and also Angelina Jolie, who played the archaeologist and treasure hunter in two films in 2001 and 2003.
Atwell also has two other major upcoming performances: reviving Agent Carter for the multiverse-spanning Marvel anthology What If…? and starring opposite Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible 7.
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