Following the massive success of Jurassic World, Universal Pictures on Thursday confirmed that a sequel is in production. The original movie's stars, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, are set to return.
The untitled movie opens June 22, 2018.
The park is open...againThough the original movie's stars are confirmed to return, it doesn't look like director Colin Trevorrow will also come back to direct. His name was not mentioned in today's announcement, and he's previously talked about not wanting to take the reins again.
"Jurassic Park is like Star Wars. Different directors can give a different taste to each movie," he said in a May 2013 interview. "I would be involved in some way, but not as director."
However, Trevorrow will write the new Jurassic World's script, Hollywood news site Deadline reports.
Jurassic World opened early June and has now made more money worldwide than The Avengers. At $1.52 billion in global box office receipts, it's the third biggest movie of all time, behind only Avatar and Titanic.