Lucasfilm came very close to announcing a Star Wars Boba Fett movie, according to a new report. Entertainment Weekly reports that director Josh Trank (Chronicle, Fantastic Four) was hired for the film, and that Lucasfilm had a teaser video to show at Star Wars Celebration in Spring 2015. But it wasn't meant to be.
"At the last minute, the split with Trank backburnered the project," EW reported.
Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy is quoted in the story. She said the company is exploring further spinoffs, though it sounds like nothing will be decided until 2017.
"We are planning to sit down in January, since we will have had The Force Awakens released, now Rogue One, and we've finished shooting Episode VIII," she said. "We have enough information where we can step back a little bit and say, 'What are we doing? What do we feel is exciting? And what are some of the things we want to explore?'"
Rogue One is the first spinoff; it comes out in December. Following that will be Episode VIII in 2017, which will be followed up by a Han Solo movie in 2018. In 2019, Lucasfilm will release Episode IX.
Kennedy went on to say that the idea to make spinoffs came directly from George Lucas.
"He had often thought about doing it and he had actually written down three or four thoughts and ideas, directions you could go," she said. "Obviously inside the mythology there were lots of opportunities. So that was the first conversation I had."
Kennedy declined to share what Lucas' ideas were, but confirmed that a Han Solo movie was not among them. "We talked a lot about the Jedi and the foundational ideas that George had thought about when he created the mythology. It was sort of spit-balling ideas," she said.
Read the full EW interview here.
In other news about Star Wars, Kennedy has suggested Rogue One, which comes out in December, won't have the franchise's iconic opening crawl. She also said it's still to be determined if there will be another new trilogy after the current one wraps up with Episode IX.