While Destiny 2's biggest DLC expansion to date, Forsaken, is still a few days away, there's a ton of new stuff to check out in the game right now. Bungie has released a major update for all players to prepare the game for Forsaken. It's not only big in terms of file size--it weighs in at around 35 GB--but it has a meaningful impact on how the game is played right now.
Many new features and adjustments won't be enabled until Forsaken releases on September 4, but whether or not you plan on purchasing it, you can boot up the game and experience some major differences today. There are numerous tweaks to individual weapons, weapon types, perks, and classes, which you can read about in the full patch notes. For a primer on what to expect next time you boot up the game, here's a quick overview of some of the biggest and most important changes in update 2.0. And bear in mind you can potentially do so without already owing the game, as Destiny 2 is an early PS Plus freebie for September.
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Update: To expand things even further, Xur has arrived, and he's working a bit differently than usual. As we knew from the patch notes, he no longer shows up on the map, nor does he simply go wherever the current Flashpoint is. More notably, the Exotic armor he's selling right now offers new perks over the existing versions, giving you a reason to buy them even if you already own those pieces.
More meaningfully, Bungie has shuffled which slot many weapons go in. Shotguns, snipers, and fusion rifles can now be found in the Energy slot, meaning you'll be able to use them far more often than before, as they now use the much more common Energy ammo, rather than Heavy ammo. The Heavy slot remains home to certain weapons of those types, including Exotics like DARCI, Tractor Cannon, The Legend of Acrius, and Whisper of the Worm.
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While there are some exceptions, Bungie has readjusted which ammo type each weapon uses. Here's how things now look:
The cost of infusion has been adjusted to now also require a specific planetary material alongside Glimmer and Legendary Shards. Exact costs depend on the rarity levels of the items involved; infusing an Exotic into another item will ditch the Legendary Shard aspect of the price and reduce the amount of Glimmer needed.
This change ties in with planetary materials becoming far common. You'll now get them in large batches from things like opening chests, and they now serve as a primary source of gaining reputation on each planet, taking the place of tokens.
In terms of how and why this matters to you, it seems that infusing everything possible will no longer be the way to go. You'll want to carefully consider what you infuse and when, which may prove to be a welcome tweak.
Completing the Flashpoint is no different than in the past, although how you track it has changed. Many of the weekly milestones are no longer seen from a menu in the Director. Instead, these are now found by looking at specific activities in the Director, or--in the case of the Flashpoint--by hovering over the planet's vendor on the map.
Bungie has warned that some things may be broken in-game until Forsaken and its accompanying patch launch on September 4. Be aware: That appears to be the case with the Flashpoint progress meter, which doesn't accurately reflect how much you've done.
Another thing to bear in mind: the Collection is inaccessible until the patch launches on September 4. That means you can't retrieve emblems and Exotics that you don't already have stored on you or in your vault right now.
Heroic Strike playlists have been retired for all players and replaced with a single content-appropriate playlist:
This is just a sampling of the many changes that Bungie has implemented in Destiny 2. The game is very much in flux right now, as Forsaken is set to shake things up even further, with the annual pass set to continue expanding upon the game. Whether all of these adjustments are for the better remains to be seen, but whatever the case, it's an exciting time to be a Destiny 2 player.