In the season two finale of The Flash, Barry has to race against Zoom to see who is the fastest. In addition, the man in the mask is finally revealed. Who will live and who will die in this crazy, shocking finale?
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Flash and Zoom have a fist fight, with Flash coming out on top, but Flash just can't kill Zoom. However, he doesn't have to because the Wraiths from the Speed Force come and take Zoom away. While this is happening, Zoom seems to transform into what looks like Black Flash.
The season finale wraps everything up in a nice little package, all while unraveling everything for the third season. In the comics, Barry went back in time to save his mother, which created the story "Flashpoint,"which screwed everything in the DC Universe up. That's not necessarily going to happen here in the same, exact way, but seeing one of the other Flash's disappear like Marty McFly's brother in that photo does say that everything has changed. What does this mean for the next season?
The second season was a bit of a roller coaster of quality. It had an extremely strong start, suffered from tedious, redundant story telling in the middle, and ended with a small bang but gave viewers enough to latch their teeth into for another season. Twenty-three episodes were far too many for this season, considering the story the creators were telling. The main Zoom story was great but felt overshadowed far too many times by the "villain of the week" formula.
The overall episode wasn't bad. It gave viewers almost everything they wanted. It was satisfying and paced out incredibly well. There were some mildly silly moments in the episode, mainly the idea Zoom wants to race Barry to see who is the fastest. Even with the explanation why Zoom wanted that to happen, it felt a tad odd. One thing that people may miss in the upcoming season, if everything continues down the path, pre-Flash saving his mother, is the dynamic between Cisco and Wells. There was an "Odd Couple" feel to this duo, and their back-and-forth dialogues were one of the highlights of each episode.
Who knows where the third season will take us? Barry going back in time to save his mother will most likely have gigantic ramifications on the world, but will that last the entire season? The team dynamic that was built up this past season was wonderful, so here's to hoping the next season will get back to that sooner rather than later.
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