SAN JOSE, CA - On Wednesday, 3dfx flashed its new logo and identity by showing off its latest TV ad campaign. The ads, developed by the same team that did the "Got Milk" ads, has taken the popular 'feel good' health care commercial look and taken it to a new and hilarious level.
One commercial begins with a group of doctors operating on a patient, a voice in the background booms One billion operations.
One doctor holds up a Voodoo3 chip above the patient. The voice continues by saying the chip could help mankind, alter genetic research, do good for all mankind. Then the voice concludes, but we decided to use if for gaming.
After a series of quick games in action the voice comes back with the new 3dfx logo on screen saying, "so powerful, its kinda ridiculous."
The two ads have very similar looks and will easily be a hit to gamers, here at the show floor, attendees stayed to view the rest of the ads in heavy rotation on a VCR the company set up in its booth.
Beside the ads, the company was showing off all its boards with games like Babylon 5, Drakken, Homeworld, Warzone 2100, Slave Zero, Starsiege, and arcade titles Blitz '99 and Gauntlet Legends.