Brought to life by TYPE-MOON, the “Fate” series has expanded into a manga, anime, short novel, game, and various other types of media. This series revolves around “the holy grail”, which can fulfill the wishes of its owner. The war for the holy grail unfolds day by day between the...
Artoria Pendragon1111Self-esteem, loyalty, honestyAttributes: Good, order (Hidden: Earth)True Identity: Legendary King Arthur(Parameter) Strength: B / Endurance: B / Agility: B / Mana: A / Luck: A+ / NP: A++Altoria Pendragon was summoned to the current world as a saber-class servant who fought in the 4th and 5th Holy Grail wars. She has a strong and unconquerable personality, and can be so obsessed with winning that she often ignores her surroundings. She has a lot of confidence in her own abilities, and likes trying to solve problems on her own./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/1.png
Shirou Emiya0011The calm, realistic typeAttributes: swordTrue Identity: anonymous spirit(Parameter) Strength: D / Endurance: C / Agility: C / Mana: B / Luck: E / NP: ?During the 5th Holy Grail war, he was summoned as a follower by Rin Tohsaka. His future form after becoming a guardian is an archer who specialises in close-combat, archery, magic, and housework./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/2.png
Lancer1110Honest and affectionateAttributes: Heaven, orderTrue Identity: in celtic mythology, a half-human demigod known as “the child of light”(Parameter) Strength: B / Endurance: C / Agility: A / Mana: C / Luck: E / NP: BWith a heart that follows his own beliefs, he likes fighting with all of his strength, and seeks to have outstanding combat abilities and the best agility. Combining strong treasures, he enjoys simple but cruel and effective high speed combat./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/3.png
Medusa0001Mysterious and secretiveAttributes: chaotic, goodTrue Identity: A famous female monster from Greek mythology(Parameter) Strength: B / Endurance: D / Agility: A / Mana: B / Luck: E / NP: A+In the firth Holy Grail war, she was summoned as a rider-class servant by Sakura. With a rank-appropriate mechanic, she posesses top skills and a great number of treasures out of all the servants. She enjoys reading as a hobby on a daily basis, stubbornly believes she is not cute, and wants to become more so./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/4.png
Sasaki Kojirou1001Elegant and fairAtttributes: neutral, evilTrue Identity: A famous swordsman from Japan(Parameter) Strength: C / Endurance: E / Agility: A+ / Mana: E / Luck: A / NP: ?Contrary to the rules of the Holy Grail war, Sasaki Kojirou was summoned forcibly by a Caster servant named Medea. Summoned to guard the gate to the Ryuudou Temple, he is an exceptional servant./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/5.png
Gilgamesh1000Equality and FairnessAttributes: Chaos, good: order, chaosTrue Identity: the oldest “king of heroes” in human history(Parameter) Strength: B / Endurance: B / Agility: B / Mana: A / Luck: A / NP: EXA young man with gold hair and red eyes, he has a slender physique and holds unwavering confidence as a king. In the Holy Grail War, he was summoned to the world as an archer, but can also be summoned to the world under his own name regardless of class./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/6.png
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne0111Kind, courteousAttributes: order, moderationTrue Identity: loyal knight of the Fianna in celtic mythology, known for his “mystic face”(Parameter) Strength: B / Endurance: C / Agility: A+ / Mana: D / Luck: E / NP: BA devoted Lancer-class servant during the fourth Holy Grail War, he persues outstanding combat skill and the best agility. He is unmatched in martial arts, physique, personality, and appearance./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/7.png
Iskandar1011Brave, wildAttributes: neurtal, goodTrue Identity: Alexander the Great(Parameter) Strength: B / Endurance: A / Agility: C / Mana: D / Luck: A+ / NP: A++Born in Pila, capital of Macedonia, he was the apprentice of the famous scholar Aristotle in ancient Greece. After waging war with his father at the age of 18, he inherited the throne at the age of just 20. He is known as the greatest military strategist in European history, and the most famous conqueror of the Macedonian Empire./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/8.png
Lancelot0010Kind, generous, devoutAttributes: order, madnessTrue Identity: the legendary “Knight of the Lake” in ancient Britain(Parameter) Strength: A / Endurance: A / Agility: A+ / Mana: C / Luck: B / NP: ASummoned in the 4th Holy Grail War as a Berserker-class servant. Due to “For Someone's Glory” - his noble phantasm - he is decorated in black armor and surrounded by black fog./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/9.png
Saber (Alter)0101Faithful, honest, modestAttributes: order, goodnessTrue Identity: one of the legendary knights of King Arthur(Parameter) Strength: B+ / Endurance: B+ / Agility: B / Mana: A / Luck: A / NP: A+One of the first knights to obey the king, he fought together with him and served him to the very end. Holding the sword of the sun, he receives divine protection from the holy ones. In order to make up for the mistakes that brought about his king's downfall, he is sworn to serve his king as the perfect “knight”./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/10.png
Karna1101Love, generosity, loyalty, honestyAttributes: order, good (FA, FGO) / neutral, good (FE)True Identity: son of Surya, the sun god from the Hindu legend “Mahabharata”(Parameter) Strength: B / Endurance: C / Agility: A / Mana: B / Luck: D / NP: EXWith a “god-killing spear” that can vanquish gods, and “golden armor” invincible to gods, he has the best spirituality and the ultimate combat abilities out of both the red and black faction. He is a tolerant follower who accepts any and every thing as “possible”./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/11.png
Hans Christian Andersen0100Methodical, with a pessimistic arroganceAttributes: order, moderateTrue Identity: one of the three great fairytale authors(Parameter) Strength: E / Endurance: E / Agility: E / Mana: AEX / Luck: E / NP: CHe is a ten year old teenager, caster-class, and a killing house servant. With a gloomy personality that lacks the ability to “enjoy life”, he despises humans, but in reality is a very caring person./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/12.png
Jack the Ripper0000Clarity, crueltyAttributes: chaos, evilTrue Identity: the resentment of abanonded children(Parameter) Strength: C / Endurance: C / Agility: A / Mana: C / Luck: E / NP: CIn 19th century Britain, she is responsible for the serial killings done by “Jack the Ripper”. She is a young girl called “Jack the Ripper”, one of the servants summoned as an assassin-class./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/13.png
Jeanne d'Arc0110Calm, kind, docileAttributes: order, goodTrue Identity: the Saint of Orleans in the Hundred Years War, a liberated French hero(Parameter) Strength: B / Endurance: B / Agility: A / Mana: A / Luck: C / NP: A++A spirit of war summoned to the Holy Grain War itself, she bears the responsibility of managing the war itself. When treated as a servant, she prioritises law, and wields her sword for the sake of the rules, while at the same time protecting all spirits and humans involved in the war alike./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/14.png
Astolfo1100Follows intuitionAttributes: chaos, goodTrue Identity: son of England's king, one of Charlemagne's twelve Paladins(Parameter) Strength: D / Endurance: D / Agility: B / Mana: A / Luck: A+ / NP: CA servant who exists in the rider-class, Astolfo - one of Charlemagne's twelve faithful knights - is a hedonistic knight with the appearance of a beautiful young boy. He follows his own heart and conscience, and never regrets anything. Compared to other servants, his ability parameters are a little lacking, but makes up for it by making fun of others with abundant treasures./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/15.png
Siegfried1010Obey “my rule”Attributes: chaos, goodTrue Identity: in a German legend, he is the hero of a poem about dragon slaying, called “Nibelungenlied”.(Parameter) Strength: B+ / Endurance: A / Agility: B / Mana: C / Luck: E / NP: AOn repetitive missions since he was about ten, he came into posession of treasure during the war with Nibelungenlied, where he also defeated Fafnir to obtain a nearly immortal body. He has swordsmanship that goes well beyond human abilities, and the legendary cursed sword./uploadsare/which-fate-character-are-you/show/16.png